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  • Publication
    Why has social democracy not developed in Turkey? Analysis of an atypical case
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon Ox14 4Rn, Oxfordshire, England, 2015-10-02) EMRE, YUNUS
    This paper scrutinizes why the Western European type of social democracy has not developed in Turkey. Both the historical backdrop and current constraints on the development of social democracy are examined. This paper argues that social democracy's failure in Turkey has stemmed from two reasons. On the one hand, historical and structural constraints that obstructed social democracy should be taken into account. On the other, social democratic movements suffered from an agency question. The leadership of the political parties, which defined themselves as centre-left entities, had a number of chances to build a genuine social democracy', but they chose alternative policy paths based on identity politics. This phenomenon too prevented the development of social democracy. The CHP (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, Republican People's Party) is the focal point of the paper since it has always been the main subject in the debates over social democracy in Turkey.
  • Publication
    Reflections on Karl Kautsky and the Theory of Ultra-Imperialism: Social Democracy and International Relations
    (Uluslararasi Iliskiler Konseyi Dernegi, Sogutozu Cad No 43, Tobb-Etu Binasi, Oda No 364, Sogutozu, Ankara 06560, Turkey, 2013) EMRE, YUNUS; 141804
    This paper examines the ultra-imperialism theory of German politician and theorist Karl Kautsky. Karl Kautsky's ultra-imperialism conception is an essential approach which had significant influences on political history and International Relations. The article is divided into three parts. In the first part, the ultra-imperialism theory will be discussed after a brief examination of Karl Kautsky's basic assumptions and his importance in the history of social democracy. In the second part, the place of ultra-imperialism theory within the Marxist imperialism theories will be scrutinized. Third part is about the explanatory capacity of ultra-imperialism theory for post-Second World War international relations and its usefulness with regard to International Relations theories. The basic conclusion reached was that Karl Kautsky's ultra-imperialism theory has a significant analytical capacity for contemporary International Relations studies.
  • Publication
    The role of academics in Turkey's politics: the Mulkiye Junta and the transformation of the Republican People's Party
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon Ox14 4Rn, Oxfordshire, England, 2014) EMRE, YUNUS; 141804
    Between 1971 and 1973, Bulent Ecevit, an exceptional Third World leader who espoused a social democratic creed, struggled against the military rule by peaceful means. His main supporters in intellectual and ideological terms were a group of professors and politicians known as the Mulkiye Junta. The members of the group were scholars from the Ankara University Faculty of Political Science (previously known as the Mulkiye) and advisors to Ecevit. They supported parliamentary politics, criticized the role of the military in political life and recommended a new direction for the Republican People's Party (RPP). In May 1972, they took over the party administration under the party chairmanship of Bulent Ecevit. After this, the RPP won the highest votes in the 1973 elections. The Mulkiye Junta had central role in the leadership and ideological change in the RPP. This article examines the political thinking of this group and their struggles within the RPP.
  • Publication
    The position of social democracy vis a vis globalization: a field research on the RPP case
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, Söğütözü, Cad No 43, TOBB-ETÜ Binası, Oda No 364, Söğütözü, Ankara 06560, Turkey, 2017) Cop, Mehmet Burak; Arslantaş, Şenol; Aladağ, Aras; EMRE, YUNUS; 150508; 187847
    In this paper, the approach of Turkey's social democracy to the globalization issue is to be scrutinized. In the first part of this article, based on the field research conducted in five different cities of Turkey (Bursa, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Izmir, and Kocaeli) by the method of semi-structured and in-depth interviews, the literature on the globalization issue is discussed, and in the second part, in accordance with the field research data, the views of Turkey's social democracy towards the globalization age is analyzed. In this article, it is claimed that the globalization for Turkey's social democracy is understood as an indispensible and opportunity created process.
  • PublicationUnknown
    The Legalization of the Right to Strike in Turkey in the 1960s
    In July 1963, two laws, the Trade Unions Act and the Collective Bargaining, Strike and Lockout Act, were enacted in the Turkish parliament. With these laws, free trade unionism became possible, and the working class emerged as a strong political power. The legalisation of the right to strike produced several unexpected results. The most important of these occurred in the political field. The right to strike and union legislation became crucial for the development of the left and the change in the Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, CHP (Republican People's Party). The first half of the 1960s clearly demonstrated that the CHP's position had changed; first and foremost, in its political stand vis-a-vis labour and the labour movement. In this article, the main cornerstones in the legalization of the right to strike and the role of the CHP and Bulent Ecevit will be discussed.
  • PublicationEmbargo
    Gezi Parkı’nda Ne Oldu : Katılımcıların Penceresinden Bir Gezi Parkı Değerlendirmesi
    (Istanbul Kültür University / Küresel Siyasal Eğilimler Merkezi / Global Political Trends Center, 2014) Akgün, Mensur; Cop, Burak; Yesevi, Çağla Gül; EMRE, YUNUS
    Araştırmada üç soruya cevap arıyoruz, bu yüzden elinizdeki kitabı üç bölüme ayırdık. İlk bölümde, insanların neden bu protestolara katıldıklarını anlamaya ve anlatmaya çalıştık. İkinci bölümde, Gezi Parkı içinde ve çevresinde yaşananlar karşısında eylemcilerin ne hissettiklerini aktardık. Sonuç bölümünde ise kısa bir değerlendirme yaptık ve Gezi eylemlerine katılanların taleplerini sizlerle paylaştık. Kitabın sonuna da Gezi Parkı protestolarına farklı açılardan bakan kitap, makale ve araştırmalardan bir seçki koyduk.
  • PublicationEmbargo
    Kimlik Siyasetleri ve Kimlik Mücadelelerinin CHP ve Sosyal Demokrasi İlişkisine Etkisi
    (2018) Cop, Mehmet Burak; Aladağ, Aras; Arslantaş, Şenol; EMRE, YUNUS; 140841
    Kimlik siyasetlerinin yükselişi solu ve sosyal demokrat hareketleri derinden etkilemektedir. Bu bağlamda, sosyal demokrasinin bundan nasıl etkilendiği ve bu yeni eğilime karşı nasıl bir tutum alacağı önemli bir tartışma konusudur. Türkiye siyasetinin temel merkez sol aktörü CHP’nin bu meseleye dair yaklaşımı ise bu çalışmanın ilgilendiği esas konudur. Merkez sol üzerine Bursa, Erzurum, Gaziantep, İzmir ve Kocaeli illerinde CHP’lilerle derinlemesine mülakat yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilen görüşmeler kapsamında bu konuya dair önemli veriler elde edilmiştir. Beş ilde gerçekleştirilen mülakatlarda Kürtlük-Türklük ve bu bağlamda milliyetçilik, Alevilik-Sünnilik, İslamcılık ve bunların laiklikle ilintisi gibi konularda önemli gözlemler elde ettik. Çalışmamızda bu konudaki ilgili literatürün analizine ve bu analiz çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilen alan araştırmasının verilerinin değerlendirilmesine odaklanılacaktır.
  • Publication
    Anthony Giddens and international relations: structuration, modernity and globalization
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, Söğütözü Cad No 43, Tobb-Etü Binası, Oda No 364, Söğütözü, Ankara 06560, Turkey, 2015) EMRE, YUNUS; 141804
    This paper aims to examine the subjects which are pertaining to International Relations in the works of Anthony Giddens and also to evaluate different uses of such issues in the International Relations literature. As one of the prominent social theorists of the 20th century, Giddens had. significant influence on International Relations in terms of his structuration theory, modernity and nation-state approach and his views on globalization. The article is organized in four parts. In the first part, Anthony Giddens' structuration theory is examined. In the second part, Giddens' historical and theoretical interpretations on modernity, nation-states and the relations among nation-states are scrutinized. The third part is about the globalization approach of Giddens. In the fourth part, the use of Giddens' contributions with regard to International Relations studies are evaluated.