Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği Programı / Tourism and Hotel Management Program

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11413/6810


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  • Publication
    Öğrencilerin Mezuniyet Sonrası İş Yaşamından Beklentileri
    (Prof. Dr. Yüksel ÖZTÜRK, 2021) Arslan, Hakan; ARSLAN, PELİN FATMA TUNA; Zengin, Burhanettin
    Bu çalışmanın amacı turizm eğitimi alan öğrencilerin mezuniyet sonrasında iş yaşamından beklentilerini tespit etmektir. Bu beklentilerin hangi faktörler etrafında geliştiği ve bu faktörlerin birbirleri ile ilişkilerinin incelememsi de bu çalışmanın ana hedeflerinden birisidir. Bu amaçla derinlemesine bilgi elde edebilmek amacıyla veri toplama araçlarından mülakat yöntemi kullanılmış ve bu kapsamda toplam 81 öğrenciden veri toplanmıştır. Nitel araştırma olarak planlanan bu çalışma ile elde edilen veriler MAXQDA nitel analiz programı ile içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Bu kapsamda kelime bulutu, kod ilişkileri tarayıcısı, kodlu bölüm ağırlıkları, çakışan kodlar gibi analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda mezuniyet sonrası beklentileri açıklayan beş adet faktöre ulaşılmıştır. Bu faktörler sırasıyla kariyer, çalışma ortamı, eğitim, işveren ve maaş olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca elde edilen bu beklenti faktörlerinin birbirleri ile ilişkileri de irdelenmiştir.
  • Publication
    The Role of Internal Control in Hotel Business: A Research on Five-Star Hotels
    (Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, 2020) Akmeşe, Halil; GÜNDOĞAN, HİLAL
    Today, the growth of enterprises and the more eomplexity of their activities bring up the need for an internalcontrol system. Therefore, an effeetive internal control system must be established in hotel enterprises in orderto minimize the risks that may arise. Based on this fact, the main purpose of this study is to determine thepereeptions of hotel managers towards the internal control system and to examine the effeets of dependentvariable of "internal control system" on the independent variables of "segregation of duties", "protection ofassets" and "verification of transactions". Additionally, the sub-objeetive of this study is to researeh therelationships between managers' pereeptions of the internal control system and demographie eharaeteristies.The researeh was earried out with the partieipation of 120 managers in jive-star hotel enterprises operating inAlanya. The researeh data was eolleeted through questionnaire teehnique. As a result of the research, there wasno signifieant differenee between the independent variables of "segregation of duties", "protection of assets "and "verification of transactions" and the internal control system pereeptions of the managers. However, it wasalso eoncluded that managers ' pereeptions of the internal control system differed statistieally according to theiredueational status.
  • Publication
    Turizm Ögrencilerinin Staj Sorunları ve Çözümleri
    (2012) Çelik, Sedat; Tuna, Pelin Fatma; 20499; 264865
  • Publication
    Wage Award Polices Of 5-Star Hotel Enterprises Operating in The Accomodation Sector In Istanbul And Their Effect On Worker Satisfaction (Sample Study: Comparison Between Chosen Pilot Hotels)
    (Int Scientific Conference Sgem, 14, Kilment Ohridsky Blvd, Sofia, 1797, Bulgaria, 2011) Yazıcı, Hacer Neyir; Çedikçi Fener, Tuğba; Özgan, Burcu Beste; TR113151; TR141799; TR113404
    Wages and rewarding in the labour-intensive tourism sector are not only motivating for workers but also influential in helping them to cling to life and their work. In tourism sector, like in all sectors, worker satisfaction is reflected on the enterprise. Wage awards lead to the satisfaction of workers in the tourism sector and especially in large accommodation enterprises. When we look at the same wage awards from the point of view of employers, we see that they are regarded as expense item. Wage awards, which are important for both workers and employers, are provided to workers in large hotel enterprises according to various policies. In the study which will be carried out by choosing 5-star pilot hotels already serving the sector in Istanbul, the centre of Turkish tourism; issues such as wage policies of hotel's, wage award policies and worker satisfaction will be discussed by comparison. In addition to extensive literature analysis, interviews with the chosen pilot hotels and the data obtained as a result of research will be expressed.
  • Publication
    The impact Of Ecological Tourism On Local Economies, Ecological Agriculture Farms In Turkey
    (Int Scientific Conference Sgem, 14, Kilment Ohridsky Blvd, Sofia, 1797, Bulgaria, 2010) Özgan, Burcu Beste
    Tourism sector provides employment to the 7% of workers in the world. It becomes a very important "export" opportunity in the countries where the level of income is low. Besides the benefits of tourism activities in local cultures and eco-systems. it also has irrecoverable negative effects. However, new opportunities provided by "alternative tourism" change this situation. Interests to travels having minimum negative effects on current natural and cultural richness and which are satisfactory in terms of educational and economic. are increasing gradually. ECEAT (European Center for Eco Agro Tourism) established as a foundation for the purpose of supporting the sustainable tourism in 1993, aims to assist to the farmers struggling in the small areas by bringing the people engaged in agriculture in natural condition in rural areas into action. In this study, the farms, camps, guest houses and small hotels operating in this sector in Turkey and members of ECEAT have been analyzed. Consequently, it is revealed that contribution of eco-tourism improving annually at the rate of between 10-50% to both Turkish economy and local economies is an important income resource in terms of promotion of our developing country and the economic value it is carrying. Based on this result, it is proved that tourism sector which has come up as a sector destroying the nature so far, may become a fundamental mean in the protection of nature when eco tourism is performed and managed in a good manner.