Cilt 4 Sayı 2 / Volume 4 Issue 2
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Publication Open Access Being Old And Being A Woman: A Research On The Age And Gender Relationship In The Award-Winning Actors And Actresses Of The Turkish Cinema(The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2014-04) Oktuğ Zengin, Melis; TR141357According to the World Health Organization data, proportion of elderly individuals to total population is going to exceed that of children and youth in about 50 years. In the aging population, proportion of females is higher than the proportion of males. Researches show that women are to face numerous problems resulting from discriminatory practices based on age besides gender pattern in social and economic life. In this study, the discriminatory practices that the aging female population was exposed to in professional life were addressed within the cinema sector. Sample of the research consists of actors and actresses who have received awards in the branches of best actress, best actor, best supporting actress and best supporting actor in the longest-running film festival of Turkey, Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, since the beginning of the festival. Receiving an award is an indicator of successful performance for cinema actors and actresses. In this context, the role of age and gender in professional careers of cinema actors and actresses was investigated by descriptive statistics method, on the basis of age distribution with respect to the gender of cinema actors and actresses who have received awards in best actress, best actor, best supporting actress and best supporting actor since the beginning of Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival.Results obtained from the study revealed similarities to researches related to actresses in the American Cinema which is a part of the literature. Research findings show that the mean age of award-winning actors is higher than the mean age of award-winning actresses in all the branches under consideration and that women receive awards at younger ages compared to men. In this context, it can be suggested that sexist approaches give rise to double jeopardy for actresses in advanced age and their professional careers are constricted in their old age.Publication Open Access Sosyal Medya Gazeteleri Nasıl Etkiliyor? Haberlerin Twıtter’Da Yayılması Üzerine Bir Araştırma(The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2014-04) Sütçü, Cem S.; Bayrakçı, SerkanSocial media has been an important outlet for newspapers. Social media have advantages in terms of reaching wider audience and sharing comments about news. Being a digital platform, modularity and automation make social media suitable for newspapers to disseminate their news. In social media there are very large amounts of data. Some of them are about news. To collect those data and analyze them to get meaningful information is a difficult task. Beside the software designed to be used for this purpose, it is possible to collect data with simple search tools like Twitter’s search function. Although automation very similar to manual data gathering is possible, data gathering is limited with this function. On the other hand, it is easy to use such functions and gives an idea on how complicated monitoring software work. In this work, by looking at the dispersion of news from different sections of newspapers on Twitter, the tweeting ratio of news were calculated. The relation of dissemination of news between newspapers and social media was examined. It is found that the higher the comment ratio on newspaper Website, the higher the dissemination of news on Twitter.Publication Open Access Gündem Belirleme Teorisi Bağlamında 30 Mart 2014 Yerel Seçimlerinin Basında Sunumu: Akp Ve Chp Örneği(The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2014-04) Güneş, Ahmet; TR116026Turkey is a country that has experienced local election process and/or phenomenon several times which is a political experience and takes place within the context of individual choice since the beginning of multiparty period. From the beginning of multiparty period onwards, the relation between media and politics has always been a matter of discussion. The media, which is an inseparable part of parliamentary democracies, is a concept which has played an important role in countries undergoing or having completed the process of democratization, and it is accepted as the fourth power according to pluralist liberalism approach. In this period when there are attributions such as " biased media" or "subjectivity/party bulletin" while the media is being criticized, the discussions regarding the relation between politics and media have also heated up. Within the context of this study, the political agenda of Turkish media was determined through the examples of Hürriyet, Sabah, YeniŞafak and Sözcü newspapers.The newspapers mentioned in the study has been analyzed through content analysis method.As a result of the study, we tried to obtain significant views concerning the newspapers' attitude to reflect the political agenda.Publication Open Access Sinemada Karakter Olgusu: Bir Karakter Oyuncusu Olarak Sadri Alışık(The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2014-04) Bayrak, TamerSinema, güzel sanatların dalı olarak, yansıtılmaya uygun olan filmleri gerçekleştirme ve yaratma sanatıdır. (TDK, 1998, syf. 1987) Bu sanatın oluşma sürecinde büyük acılar, fedakarlıklar ve emekler gösterilmiştir. Bugün özellikle Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerde sinema sanatının yaratılma koşulları oldukça sıradışı, bugün bile korunamayan ve kırılgan bir durumdadır. Ancak tüm bu zorlu koşullara rağmen bu sanatın içinde ışıldayan ve bu sanata verdiği emekle halkın kalbini kazanan sinema emekçileri bulunmaktadır. Karakter ve tipleme oyuncuları gibi dünyada da ender olarak bulunan bu yetenekli kimseler ortaya koydukları yapıtlarla sinema tarihini öğrenmek isteyen veya bu sanat dalı içinde çalışmayı arzu eden herkese ilham kaynağı olmuşlardır. Bu çalışmada karakter ve tipleme oyunculuğunun ne anlama geldiği, nasıl meydana gelip şekillendiği ele alınmaktadır. Türk sinema tarihinde karakter ve tipleme oyunculuğunun en iyi örneklerinden biri olan Sadri Alışık ve onun ortaya koyduğu karakter örnekleri de incelenmektedir. Yöntem olarak öncelikle karakter ve tipleme olgusunun etimolojik kökeni, sinemada doğuşu, yeri ve önemi incelenmektedir. Birtakım karakter ve tipleme teorileri ve bu teoriler ışığında Sadri Alışık ve oynadığı “Fıstık Gibi Maşallah” filmi hareket devinimleri doğrultusunda incelenerek sinema tarihine ilgi duyan herkese fikir vermek amaçlanmaktadır.Publication Open Access Kurumsal Kimlik Çalışmaları: Beko Örneği(The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2014-04) Atam, Ali AskerGünümüzde bulunan bütün marka/kurumların tek amacı nihai tüketicide olumlu bir algı oluşturmak ve bu algıyı sürekli pekiştirmektir. Bunun en önemli faktörü ise iyi araştırmalar sonucunda oluşturulmuş bir kurumsal kimliktir. Kurumsal kimlik bir firmayı ya da derneği insanlara kendini anlatma çabası, kurumun insanlarda görünen yüzüdür. Yeni bir marka, dernek, kurum ya da kuruluş ile karşılaştığımızda zihnimizde bu oluşumun ne olduğu ile alakalı sorular belirir. Kurumsal kimlik bu bağlamda oluşacak bu tür sorulara verilen bir nevi cevaptır. Çalışmamızda etkileşim kuramı, kimlik olgusu bağlamında kurumsal kimlik, Beko markasının kurumsal kimlik açısından incelenmesi, markanın kurumsal kimliğinde kullandığı çeşitli materyallerin ele alınıp, elde edilen bulguların ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın diğer bölümünde ise oluşturulan kurumsal kimliğin markanın bayileri tarafından nasıl uygulandığı, bunun tüketici üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmış, sonuç olarak da kurumsal kimliğin insanlar üzerindeki olumlu etkisi ve akılda kalması çeşitli veriler ile ortaya konmuştur.Publication Open Access Tüketim Olgusunun Sinemada Kullanımı: Fıght Club Filminin İncelenmesi(The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2014-04) Kınay, Ömür“Tüketim toplumu”, bugün yürürlükte olan toplum yapısının, yapılan birçok tanımlamalarından sadece bir tanesi olmaktadır. Tüketim toplumu denilince akla ilk gelen ‘tüketme’ edimi Fight Club filminde, ürün yerleştirme uygulamasıyla bireyi ve toplumu doğrudan etkileyen ve biçimlendiren bir yapıyı ifade etmek için kullanılmış ve eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla işlenmiştir. Bir anlatı türü olarak sinema filmlerinin çözümlenmesi pek çok farklı yöntemle yapılmaktadır. Bunlardan; söylem analizi, içerik analizi, metinlerarası ve göstergebilimsel çözümleme başlıcaları olmaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında Fight Club filminin tüketim toplumuna yönelik geliştirdiği eleştirel bakış açısı incelenmiş, filmin anlatısal yapısında gösterdiği marka ve ürünleri, Cristel A. Russel tarafından üç farklı ürün yerleştirme sınıflandırmasıyla; ekrana yerleştirme (screen placement), senaryoya yerleştirme (script placement) ve olay örgüsüne yerleştirme (plot placement) olarak tespit edilip çözümlenecektir.Publication Open Access Sinemada Edebiyat Uyarlamaları Ve Göstergeler: Muhteşem Gatsby (2013) Filmi Örneği(The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2014-04) Ormanlı, Okan; TR108048The cinema and literature are two different branches of the arts that have on occasion collaborated with one another over the past 120 years. The Hollywood film industry, along with many other national cinemas have taken best sellers or important literary sources and turned them into films. Although some novels are fictional, they nonetheless are able to give information regarding the socio-economic and cultural setting in which they take place. The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is set in 1920s America and was published in 1925. The novel, which has today become a classic in literature, holds parallels between the life of the main character Jay Gatsby and the life of the writer of the novel, Fitzgerald. The novel was first adapted to the cinema in 1970’s. The second version of the novel was filmed in 2013 and was directed by Baz Luhrmann. Although the film, which will be the subject of this study, stays true to the storyline of the novel, it has visual and auditory elements that signal differences. By taking full advantage of today’s technology, the film is able to successfully reflect the period’s flamboyance and craziness. The film highlights the dance and music of the time, but still makes room for some of today’s songs. Furthermore, the costumes and hair styles also reflect the times in which the events unfold. The green light emphasized in the novel holds its place in the film in the signifiers of the Valley of Ashes and Dr. T.J. Eckleburg’s advertisements boards, and comes to mean dreams, the inability to come together, class difference and society of surveillance. The Great Gatsby is a film that stays true to the original novel; however, even so, it bears a new, updated, postmodern approach that has a stylized and spectacular style in terms of form and content.