Cilt 6 Sayı 3 / Volume 6 Issue 3

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  • Publication
    The Place Of Turkish Culture Of The Life In Housing Design “Example Of Turkish Houses In Cyprus During The Ottoman Period"
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2016-07) Turkan, Zihni
    The house has been a sanctuary as the sum of places designed for the functions of life and enabling the family, the smallest of communities, to live together. People’s needs for shelter can be holistic in containing physical adequacy of living quarters as well as their social and psychological adequacies. Various criteria, such as the number of family members, spatial needs, inner-outer space relations, auxiliary spaces, construction quality, and conditions of comfort are programmed and shaped within the life cultures of communities. Spaces in Traditional Turkish House, shaped with the Turkish life culture, are designed in accordance with the living styles and traditions of the Turkish people, and provided social and psychological adequacy. Traditional Turkish Houses, among the Ottoman Period in Cyprus constructed in the style of Turkish Architecture, still constitute an important element of the present day historical texture. Generally having two floors and an atrium (yard), these houses were built in adjacent form, lining down the street, and gave a style to the texture of the street with their plain facades, oriels brimming over the street, and wide fringes. Room in the Turkish Houses in Cyprus, was designed as a multi-purpose abode where day and night functions were realized, the same way it was in the tents during the nomadic life of Turks. Main room was used as the guest room, in accordance with the importance of guests in the Turkish traditions. The importance of family in the culture of Turkish life, made the hall important, as the common abode, the meeting place, into which other rooms opened. Outer halls, or colonnades, with riwaqs, enabling the house-atrium relationship, created the type of plan for the Ottoman Period houses. The staircase, connection the floors were in a position unseen from the main entrance of the house, and generally ran parallel to the hall. The atrium, or yard, has been important in the houses in Cyprus, due to the connection of Turks to nature and earth, from their past. Elements of aquatic architecture, such as well, fountain, water tank, provided the water needed for the house and yard. The formation of abodes of the Turkish Houses during the Ottoman Period in Cyprus (1570-1878) found its expression within the needs of the dwellers life culture, thus serving in accordance with the lives of the household.
  • Publication
    Sanat Eğitiminin Görsel Okuryazarlık Becerilerine Etkisi
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2016-07) Eraslan Taşpınar, Şeyda
    Bu araştırmanın amacı sanat eğitiminin görsel okuryazarlık becerilerine olan etkisini belirlemektir. Genel tarama modelinde yapılan araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Resim-İş Eğitimi Anabilim Dalında öğrenim gören 44 birinci sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Öğrenciler sanat eğitimi alan ve almayan olarak iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Sanat eğitimi alıp almamaları mezun oldukları lise türüne göre belirlenmiştir. Güzel sanatlar liselerinden mezun olanlar sanat eğitimi almış olan öğrenci grubunu, alan dışı bir liseden mezun olan öğrenciler ise sanat eğitimi almamış olan grubu oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak “Görsel Okuryazarlık Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Veriler istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre öğrencilerin görsel okuryazarlık becerileri ortalamalarının alt boyutların tümünde yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Sanat eğitimi alan grubun görsel okuryazarlık becerileri puanları sanat eğitimi almayan gruba göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda Sanat Eğitiminin öğrencilerin görsel okuryazarlık becerilerini olumlu yönde etkilediği görülmüştür.
  • Publication
    Study On The Effect Of Use Of Luxury Brand During The Social Identity Projection Of Individuals
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2016-07) Butgel Tunalı, Selen; TR239471
    The “Social Identity Theory”, which has been developed by Henri Tajfel & John Turner, is defined as “the part of personality perception of individual, which is created with an individual’s membership a group, knowledge with this membership, paid attention and emotional commitment on this membership”. Social identity theory, beyond private and personal identities, touches upon the identity of a specific group membership. According to the researches about this issue, individuals reflect their social identities in the society with the products that they consumed and with the brands that they used. In this study, social identity and social identity theory is evaluated by defining the concept of identity firstly. After that, the definition of brand and the brand identity with the definition of luxury and luxury brand is made; in the end, the effect of use of luxury brand during the social identity projection of individuals is touched upon.
  • Publication
    The Analysis Of Environmental Effects On The Design And Production Of Arts In Use, Based On Principles Of Human Geography (Case Study: Iranian Carpet)
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2016-07) Moghanipoor, Majidreza; Marasy, Mohsen
    The main topic of this article is recognition and analysis of influences of "Arts in use", as a human phenomenon (from a geographical viewpoint) and one of physical manifestations of culture ( from the environmental viewpoint). Accordingly, opinions and concepts related to this issue have been analyzed in the field of human geography science by an interdisciplinary approach and a descriptive-analytical methodology. Therefore, an "Iranian carpet" as a centerpiece of these studies divided into the processing (production manner), forming (aesthetic) and technical (in practice) components, then, was studied the affecting manner of each of these components by the environment. By conducted reviews and analyzes, one could say that proposed discussions in the schools and classic theories of environmental determinism and the possibility thinking (from the field of human geography) has the same line with suggested definitions for "style" and "school" in the field of carpet studies. As a result, in the areas where become prevalent carpet-weaving styles, environmental and geographical circumstances has a more highlighted effect on the conditions of the production process and quality of the final product; but in the areas where producers styles or technique of carpet designers are applied, it is more evident the human hegemony over the environment
  • Publication
    Art In The World Wide Web (Investigation On Two Interactive Artworks Of Mark Napier)
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2016-07) Saberian, Farinaz
    Today, alienation of the art and technology has come to an end and inevitable movement of the world toward digital culture has also affected the art. In the current study, two internet-based artworks created by Mark Napier, the contemporary American artist and one of the pioneers of Internet art in the U.S., were selected and analyzed. The main point of the study is investigating the role of audience and its interaction with his artworks, as well the effect of technology in the process of artistic creativity. By presenting his interactive art project on the Internet, Mark Napier has gone beyond the domain of exhibitions and museums and has utilized modern technology to make contact with the audience. In his artworks, audience is the inseparable component of the work and the process of creation finds more importance than the prototype and final outcome. In the creation process, the importance of active participation of the audience and artist’s consideration for cultural, political and social issues can be observed.
  • Publication
    Attitudes Of Generation Y Towards Luxury Products And Youth-Led Change In Luxury Consumption Behaviour
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2016-07) Yazıcı, Belgin; TR112730
    To many people luxury products were once considered hard to access and a privilege to use. Luxury used to mean a product or service only accessible by a small group of people, a product or service that was scarce (Nueno & Quelceh, 1998). However, luxury products have now become more affordable to more consumers, especially for consumers from the middle class who access more money than ever before (Hauck & Stanforth, 2007) and therefore luxury brands have the chance to flourish and establish their reputation worldwide. In order to do so, they must truly understand their consumers – and recognise how they are changing. Besides the drivers of their decisions, the purchasing behaviors of consumers are evolving. Consumers prefer to be engaged with digital channels in terms of their buying processes. Generation Y has a tremendous impact of the world economy because of the number of its representatives and increasing purchasing power, so it has been transforming into the biggest consumer segment throughout history. As a result of this, Generation Y attracts the attention of many scientific fields from psychology to economics. The main question is what makes this generation so unique both as a research topic for scientific studies and a marketing challenge. Young adults who were born between 1980 and 1990 are considered to be Generation Y and this generation has ended up to become the largest part of global consumer market and it has become an undeniable fact for luxury brands that their motivations and attitudes have to taken into consideration in the process of developing products. The brands need to communicate with the representatives of Generation Y effectively. The aim of this article is to examine Generation Ys’ attitudes, i.e. their beliefs, feelings and purchase intentions towards luxury products and the meanings of the word “luxury” to young people, reasons for buying luxury products, and, on a small scale, young adults’ luxury brand awareness and brand loyalty. In addition, this study aims at not only examining Generation Y customers’ luxury purchasing behaviour but also helping organizations understand such customers’ needs and wants. It is widely acknowledged that understanding consumer behavior is the key to be successful in business and this youth- led change in luxury consumption behavior should not be underestimated to be able to attract the attention of the future powerhouse of the global economy.