Cilt 1 Sayı 1 / Volume 1 Issue 1

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  • Publication
    Vernacular Creativity and a New Media: Istockphoto
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2011-07) Yengin, Deniz; Ekim, Berna
    Globalization or McLuhan’s “Global Village” concept is increasingly getting a clearest shape. Along with globalization, communication mediums are also developing. They have the qualities of being digital, interactive, and virtual and are thus “new” mediums of communication. Due to these qualities, communication mediums are changing form and are being used by network societies. These mediums also influence individual creativity due to their interactive use. Individuals can create and share their own visual designs, especially when employing social networks. Creativity differs from person to person, as it does from region to region. In this study, visual designs created with new media will be examined and the concept of vernacular creativity will be defined and explained. The social network istockphoto will be used as an example for analysis. According to this example, this study will be delivered with qualitative and quantitative methods.
  • Publication
    The Global Advertising of a Local Brand in Terms of Analyzing the Visual Content: Turkish Airlines Globally Yours Advertising Campaign
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2011-07) Küçükerdoğan, Rengin; Zeybek, Işıl; Ekin, Volkan; TR8718; TR141147; TR39518
    Globalization is a process where economic, political, social and cultural values and the build up of these values are spread beyond the national borders to the world. This way, differing social cultures and beliefs gain recognition and the relationships between countries become ubiquitous. (Mc Chesney&Wood&Foster 1999:7). During this globalization process, advertising brings together a product or a service with a cultural symbol and presents it to audiences. According to this definition then, airline transport, which is a modern, fast, and prestigious mode of transport, has been largely affected by globalization. As a result, the intensifying competitive environment has led airline companies to shift from a more local market to a more global one. Advertising is often used to create brand recognition and value and, along with this, sports marketing practices, which is a new terminology, when the cultural symbols they use meet with target audiences, a platform of communication is created. In this study, by taking sports marketing as a starting point, the communication strategies of Turkish Airlines, which has taken great steps in terms of brand recognition, and the visual and linguistic messages of their advertising campaign “Globally Yours” will be analyzed.
  • Publication
    İletişimin Kalitesini Etkileyen Engeller ve Bu Engellerin Giderilmesi
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2011-07) Çedikçi, Tuğçe; Çedikçi, Tuğba; TR107991
    İletişim, kişi ya da örgütlerin hem içinde yer aldıkları toplumsal sistemle hem de bu sistemdeki diğer kişi ve örgütlerle uyumunu ve etkileşimini sağlayan temel süreçtir. Yani iletişim insan-insan, insan-örgüt, örgüt-örgüt ve örgüt-toplumsal sistem ilişkilerini sağlayan araçtır. İnsanın diğer insanları, örgütleri kısaca dış dünyayı tanıyabilmesi, olayları ve düşünceleri anlayıp algılayabilmesi için iletişim sürecine ihtiyaç vardır. Kişi ve örgütlerin dış dünya ile anlamlı bir bütünlük içinde bulunabilmesi için iyi işleyen iletişim kanallarının kurulması ve gerçekleştirdikleri iletişimin kalitesini artırmak zorunda oldukları aşikârdır. Bir iletişim ilişkisinde olmazsa olmaz diyebileceğimiz bazı unsurlar vardır. Bu unsurlar bilgi, duygu ve düşünce alışverişinde son derece önemli rol oynayan kaynak, mesaj ve alıcıdır. Etkili ve kaliteli bir iletişim bu unsurlar çerçevesinde ve bu unsurların taşıyacağı özellikler kapsamında mümkün olabilmektedir. Bir iletişimde etkililiği gerçekleştirmek amaç olmakla birlikte her zaman ulaşılabilecek bir sonuç değildir. Sosyal psikologlara göre, mükemmel ve etkili bir iletişim, kaliteli bir iletişim ütopyadır. Çünkü kişiler arasındaki iletişimler, bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz olarak ortaya çıkan bir takım eğilimlerle tahrif edilmekte, bozulmakta ve yanlış yorumlanmaktadır. Burada dikkat edilmesi gereken husus, iletişimin kalitesine etki eden faktörlerle ilgilidir. Bu nedenle, yapılacak olan araştırmada iletişimin etkili olarak gerçekleşmesinde önemli olan bu faktörlerin neler olduğunu ve bunları giderme yolları için alınması gereken önlemler ile ilgili geniş bir literatür çalışması yapılarak elde edilen bulgular ortaya konmaya çalışılacaktır.
  • Publication
    “Dilinizden Utanmayın” Reklam Kampanyasının Göstergebilimsel Açıdan Çözümlemesi
    (The Turkish Online Journal Of Design Art And Communication, 2011) Küçükerdoğan, Rengin; TR8718
    İnsan konuşan ve düşünen bir varlık olarak, bir başka deyişle doğası gereği duygu ve düşüncelerine dil aracılığıyla aktarır. Bu durumda kullanılan dil ve kullanım biçimi ne kadar etkiliyse kurulan iletişim de o denli güçlü ve etkili olacaktır hiç kuşkusuz. Dildeki herhangi bir bozukluk ya da düzensizlik iletişim engelleyerek, belki de ulusu ve halkı onarılmaz yaralar ve açmazlara sürükleyecektir. Bunun nedeni, “küçük bir köy” e dönüşen dünyamızda, çeşitli dış etkenler sonucunda birçok yabancı ögenin her dilde hemen hemen, girerek yerleşmesidir. İşte bu bağlamda, hiçbir dil tümüyle arı, temiz ve yalnız kendi öz kaynağından gelen ögelerle dolu değildir. Ulusların birbiriyle kültürel, toplumsal, siyasal ve sanatsal düzlemlerdeki alışverişleri ve etkileşimleri, dile giren bu yabancı ögelerin ayırdına varılmaksızın, kimileyin bilinçsizce o ulusun insanları tarafından benimsenir ve kullanılagelir. Toplum, bu ögelerin anadillerinde etkili olmaya başladığını anlamaz. Bu noktadan yola çıkarak çalışmada; Reklam Yaratıcıları Derneği’nin “Dilinizden Utanmayın” reklam kampanyasının çözümlemesi yapılarak iletilerde halkın ve reklamcıların türkçe konusunda dikkatlerinin hangi gösregelerden yararlanılarak çekildiği üzerinde durulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Benimsenen göstergebilim temelli çözümleme yöntemi ile öncelikle kampanya görsellerinde en belirgin olanları ele alınacaktır. Ancak görsel metnin ve anlamlandırma boyutunun daha ayrıntılı incelenmesi amacıyla hem görsel hem de dilsel göstergeler edimsel, anlambilimsel ve sözlükbilimsel düzlemler göz önünde bulundurularak ele alınacaktır.
  • Publication
    Digital Games As A New Media And Use Of Digital Game İn Education
    (The Turkish Online Journal Of Design Art And Communication, 2011-07) Yengin, Deniz
    Transfer of information is trying to stay alive with the language but it is also supported and developed by the discovery of calligraphy. The development of technology in writing, keep records of information systematically. The discovery of electricity was opened in front of the electromagnetic discoveries and sharing of knowledge gained momentum over the channels. According to Huizinga game "game is an activity which is done voluntarily and in regular activities in a particular time and in space". This shows us the concept of the game is not "an unnecessary activity", it has turned into a sense of social and individual vital activity. Reproduced by the codes are real, users in different ways transmitted. Digital game is one of the ways of transmission. Digital media tools such as the game is played the video game and computer game. These environments are considered under the heading of Digital Games. Digital games provide an interactive environment with individuals as they allow electiveness, mobility and non-linearity. In an era of economic angst and where real and virtual identities are being disputed, individuals of the information society are searching for something different other than mass communication. They seek after individual experiences. Digital game environments allow users to gather ideas by allowing them to gain virtual experiences as opposed to real life events. Due to their rich visual content, digital games have the characteristic to shorten the learning period of individuals. Digital games offer users fantasy worlds where they can become lose themselves in different identities. This way through modeling, users are able to ‘free’ themselves. The main focus in this study will be to analyze the use of digital game in education. Alongside surveys, the study will also make use of literary sources. The universe of the study will be the Turkish students. The data collection method is conducting survey. The answers to the questions in the survey have been transferred to a SPSS environment, where descriptive and inferential analyses will lead us to understand the use of digital game in Turkey’s education sector. The relationship between digital games and their users will also be examined. The quantitative study of education with digital games will be a useful source for future studies and will bridge the gap in this area.
  • Publication
    A Video Projection Mapping Conceptual Design And Application: Yekpare
    (The Turkish Online Journal Of Design Art And Communication, 2011-07) Ekim, Berna
    Can recent developments in video projection techniques aid us in finding new ways of expressing our creativity and creative audio-visual works on a new surface other than the screen? Video Mapping is one of the newest video projection techniques that are used to turn almost any surface into a dynamic video display. The aim of video mapping is to create a physical illusion of images by combining audio-visual elements. Most of the mapping projects are used in fashion shows, corporate events, concerts and theatrical performances. Lately a new trend of video mapping system is being used on architectural and historical structures, buildings and displayed in public spaces to reach a wider audience. This paper will focus on 3 aspects of video mapping and its application; 1) the technical aspects of video mapping and its tools. 2) the conceptual development of the project YEKPARE and the application of video mapping on Haydarpasa Terminal within the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture events. 3) the feedback from the audiences who have experienced the performance and the effects of video mapping.
  • Publication
    A General Outlook of Conjugal Union And Marriege In Turkey In The Context Of Popular Culture New Media
    (The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 2011-07) Yıldız, Öykü Ezgi; Denençli, Ceyda; Deneçli, Sevda; TR40329
    In our time, in which social lifeturnes spiritual values into a market, local standards of judgement, human relations and conjugal union has been influenced by this change, also. In our time, conjugal union, which is still seen as a taboo in Turkish society, has become a market with the influence of popular culture. Conjugal union, which has the characteristics of a social institution in our ime, benefits from the opportunities of technology in direct proportion to globalization and new technological developments, while trying to preserve its traditional features at the same time. In this transformation process, various media organs, socialization agents on media tools such as marriage websites play a significant role. In this study, the process of how conjugal union, which is shaped by the direct influence of popular culture, goes through a change in the direction of global market mentality will be discussed and a research will be made on the basis of social media agents.