İşletme Yönetimi Önlisans Programı

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Business Management Associate Program / İşletme Yönetimi Önlisans Programına ait yayınları içerir.


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Attitudes of citizens of the United States, the Unidet Kingdom, and Turkey in permits requested by mobile apps
    (2020-02) Öçlü, Burak
    Learning Overview: After attending this presentation, attendees will be able to understand the relationship between risk, privacy and mobile risk attitudes of citizens of different countries and interpret this in terms of mobile application permissions. Impact on the Forensic Science Community: This presentation will impact, the forensic science community by informing about the difference between attitudes in daily life and the actual situation that occur according to the data security risks that may arise. How to secure this information has become an important problem as application-maker firms have increased their access to personal data. In this context, our research aims to establish the relationship between risk, privacy and mobile risk attitudes of people living in different countries. For the purpose, a survey of 26 questions was conducted for citizens living in the USA, UK and Turkey, provided that there were 150 people from each country (in total 450 people). Surveys of their native languages were conducted for participants in all countries. The survey consists of multiple-choice questions with questions consisting of a Likert scale of 5s. Hypotheses are " HOa: there is no relationship between the risk attitude and the privacy attitude.” and “HOb: there is no relationship between the privacy attitude and mobile risk attitude." and "HOc: there is no relationship between risk attitude and mobile risk attitude." in the study. Within the scope of this research, “HOa” and “HOb” rejected and strong positive relationship in the USA, weak positive relationship in the UK and moderate positive relationship in Turkey were identified. “HOc” also rejected and found that a moderate positive relationship in the USA and UK and a weak positive relationship in Turkey. Participants were asked which of the 9 different types of mobile application permission request options they would not want to grant access to. As a result of the research, the most unwanted permission to be given in the US was “location information” and “access to SMS records” in the UK and “phone call records” in Turkey. According to the results of the research, 55.33, 48, 87.39 percent of respondents in the USA, UK and Turkey stated that they are using Instagram application, while respectively 54.21, 68.05, 46.56 percent of users have declared that they will not allow downloads for the application if they see the permissions requested by the application without specifying the application name. Respectively, 19.33, 70, 95.30 percent of respondents in the USA, UK and Turkey stated that they are using the WhatsApp app, while respectively 34.48, 63.80 and 46.85 percent declared that they would not download the app with current permission. Respectively, 28.67, 39.33, 22 percent of respondents in the USA, UK and Turkey stated that they are using the Spotify app, while respectively 55.81, 55.93 and 42.42 percent declared that they would not download the app with current permission. Although the real estate application is different in each country, respectively 12, 10, 16 percent of the respondents in the USA, UK, Turkey said they are using the real estate application, while respectively 50, 80, 70.80 percent of these users have declared that they will not download the current permissions When the results are examined, all hypotheses are accepted for all countries and it means that there was a positive relationship between “risk, privacy and mobile risk attitude”. In addition, the permissions that the participants do not want to allow are different in the countries. In comparison to the already downloaded applications and declarations against the permits requested without naming the application, it is understood that citizens living in the UK are more likely to avoid taking risks than citizens living in the United States and Turkey. It has also emerged as an important finding of denial of application permit request at a high rate seen in all countries. Because people avoid reading individual permissions and because the requested permissions become routine after a certain period of time, differences can arise during the course of the activities with the risk attitudes of people in daily life. This can lead to questions about the sharing and protection of personal information.
  • Publication
    Is information manageable? A conceptualApproach
    (2015) Safran, Barış
    In this study, in the light of knowledge and management concepts is intended to answer the question of the conditions under which information can be managed. Therefore, unlike the first insights behind the different definitions of the concept with emphasis on the concept of knowledge management are grouped under three main headings. The first of these approaches, knowledge management basically considers the problems associated with information technology as a computer network. Other approache is based on the employees how to work and know what is being done through the creation and collection of this information, storage, dissemination and adaptation, knowledge management. According to last approach is that the information management issues which an human resource that focuses more on organizational culture and teamwork. Secondly, examining the debate is not being managed or managed to draw attention to the paradox between information and knowledge management concepts. Although concept of knowledge management used very extensively, the knowledge by investigating what is actually managed is focused on the circumstances in which the problem can be managed. Knowledge management refers to the management information when it receives the focus, it may cause unnecessary non-productive use of information technology also made to several investment. Whereas management is related to the management of people.
  • Publication
    Sağlık Sektöründe Marka Sadakati: Vakıf Üniversitesi Öğrencilerinin Marka Sadakati Üzerine Bir Uygulama
    (2018-10) Gedikçi Fener, Tuğba
    Tüketici ile marka arasında güçlü bir bağ kurmak markanın varlığını sürdürebilmesinde kritik bir roloynamaktadır. Bu nedenle; tüketicilerin bir markayı düzenli olarak satın almak için gösterdikleri bilinçli veya bilinçsiz niyet veya davranışlar, daha önceden satın alıp denedikleri bir markayı satın almayı sürdürme eğilimleri ya da belirli bir süre içinde bir ürün kategorisi içinde yer alan bir ya da daha çok markaya karşı takındıkları olumlu tutum ve davranış tepkisi olarak tanımlanabilen marka sadakati; basit bir "tekrar eden satın alma davranışı"nın çok ötesinde bir anlam ifade etmektedir. Rakip isletmelerin uyguladıkları iskonto ve indirimlerden, reklam kampanyalarından ve bunun. gibi tutundurma çabalarından etkilenmeyen, satın alma için kesin istek gösteren ve yeni ürün arayışına girmeyen tüketicilerin sadık (bağımlı) müşteri olarak değerlendirildiği bir ortamda bu konudaki çeşitli araştırmalara göre, marka bağımlısı tüketicilerin işletme için bağımlı olmayanlardan dokuz kat daha karlı olduğu belirtilmektedir. Bu nedenle müşterileri bağımlı müşterilere dönüştürmenin isletmeler için olmazsa olmaz olduğu sonucuna varılabilir. Marka sadakati en fazla gençler ve eğitim düzeyi yüksek tüketici kitleleri arasında görülmektedir. Bu nedenle; araştırmanın evrenini, bir işletmenin marka yaratmadaki başarı ya da başarısızlığını gösteren en önemli müşteri gruplarından biri olan "üniversite gençleri" oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; vakıf üniversitesi öğrencilerinin sağlık sektöründe faaliyet gösteren markalardaki tercihlerini ve marka sadakatierini ölçmeye yönelik bir uygulama yapılacaktır.
  • Publication
    Pazarlama Maliyetlerinin Yönetiminde Hedef Maliyetleme Yönteminin Değerlendirilmesi
    (2018-01-18) Bircan, Gözde; 261927
    Hedef maliyetleme yöntemi, klasik maliyet yönetimi yaklaşımlarının yetersizliklerinin karşılanması amacıyla geliştirilen modern maliyet yönetimi yaklaşımlarından biridir. Hedef maliyetleme yöntemi, pazarlama maliyetleriyle üretim maliyetlerinin yakın ilişki içerisinde olduğu, pazarın dinamiklerini dikkate alarak geliştirilen pazara dayalı ve pazar odaklı bir maliyet yönetim sistemidir. Ağırlıklı olarak Japon şirketleri tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Modern maliyet yönetimi yaklaşımlarından hedef maliyetleme yöntemi ile birlikte üretim maliyetlerinin belirlenmesinde pazarlama maliyetlerinin önemi artmış ve üretim maliyetlerinin kontrol ve yönetimi öncelikle pazarlama maliyetlerinin kontrol ve yönetimi ile başlayan bir süreç haline dönüşmüştür. Çalışmamızda hedef maliyetleme yönteminin pazarlama maliyetleriyle olan ilişkisinden hareketle pazarlama maliyetlerinin yönetiminde hedef maliyetleme yönteminin gerekliliği değerlendirilmiş ve önemi üzerinde durulmuştur.
  • Publication
    Kar Amaçsız İşletmelerde Hile Denetiminin Önemi
    (2015-02-28) Bircan, Gözde; 261927
    Günümüzde hile; kar amaçlı işletmeler, kar amaçsız işletmeler ve diğer tüm işletme türleri için araştırılan, incelenen ve değerlendirilen bir konu olmakla birlikte kar amaçsız işletmelerde hile olgusu gözardı edilen ve dikkatlerden kaçan tarafı oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle kar amaçsız işletmelerin varoluş amaçlarının topluma hizmet etmek ve fayda sağlamak üzerine inşa edilmesi ve birincil amaçlarının kar elde etmek olmaması bu tür işletmelerde hilenin kar amaçlı işletmelerdeki gibi ciddi bir tehdit olmayacağı yanılgısını doğurmaktadır. Benzer şekilde kar amaçsız işletmelerin toplumsal işlevleri ve üstlendikleri rol nedeniyle toplum tarafından bu işletmelere yönelik oluşan güven duygusu sözkonusu yanılgıyı desteklemektedir. Bu anlamda yapılan araştırma ve incelemelerde daha çok kar amaçlı işletmeler üzerine odaklanılması ise kar amaçsız işletmelerdeki hile riskini ve tehditini arttırarak bu işletmeleri hileye açık hale getirmektedir. Bu makalede kar amaçsız işletmelerde hile olgusu, hile riski, hilenin boyutu ve hile kayıpları irdelenerek kar amaçsız işletmelerde hile ve hile denetiminin önemi değerlendirilecektir
  • Publication
    Revaluation of Turkey's energy policy connected with energy sources
    (Int Scientific Conference SGEM, 14, Kilment Ohridsky BLVD, Sofia, 1797, Bulgaria, 2010) Şeker, Şahin Serhat; Kaynaş, Tayfun; Ayhan, Damla; 7480; 141423
    Energy demand and consumption is one of the key factors of a country's level of development. They are not only related with economic development but also the dimension of security and environment should be taken into account. Hence, sustainability and resource diversity have overriding importance for the countries. Turkey has a considerably high level of renewable energy resources that can be a part of the total energy network in the country The optimum use of Turkey's non-renewable and renewable resources should receive attention in technological and economical development of the country. The study aims to determine new targets related to the potential of renewable and non-renewable energy sources in Turkey. In this direction a new classification which is compatible with economy, technology and environment has been done to determine a new energy policy. According to this classification, energy investment oriented items have been determined. As a result, the necessity of new investments of renewable energy sources in Turkey has been emphasized.
  • Publication
    Leadership in Crisis Management: Separation of Leadership and Executive Concepts
    (Elsevier Science Bv, Sara Burgerhartstraat 25, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015-05-30) Fener, Tuğba; Çevik, Tuğçe; 141799; 107991
    Crisis is the truth of today's fast paced business world. Rapid organizational change, changing economic conditions, problems of personnel, unexpected technological changes and political effects cause instability on today's business world. This instability appears out of state control as economic disruptions that result in crisis. Crisis affecting our country and all other countries in the world also influences not only vacated people but also other individuals who concerns about losing their jobs. This economic uncertainty seemingly interests corporations. However environment is also one of the factors that affects crisis. If crisis isn't brought under control or managed properly, it will come about and create chain crisis. Because of the increasing chaos, change from authoritarian leadership through teamwork and participative management mentality has been observed. Commerce has been getting more and more complicated and complex. These changes have transformed traditional crisis leaders to a leader model that makes scenario analysis and work done co-ordinately with a team by gathering lots of different point of view to create optimum solution. Leadership and crisis concepts are discussed together in order that implementation of leadership in crisis can be understood. Crisis leadership is also regarded as optimally and timely assessment process of adverse condition's effects whatever its reason is. In the first section of this article which will be presented with extensive literature, general information about leadership concept from Total Quality Management principles and comparison of leader and executive concepts will be given. In the second section, leadership in crisis management will be mentioned and in the last section the importance of lead executive in crisis and its contribution to literature will be reviewed. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Publication
    A Neuro-Detector Based On The Cybernetic Concepts For Fault Detection In Electric Motors
    (Journal Vibroengineering, Geliu Ratas 15 A, Kaunas, Lt-50282, Lithuania, 2011-12) Şeker, Serhat; Önal, Emel; Kaynaş, Tayfun; Akıncı, Tahir Çetin; TR7480; TR149517; TR141423; TR40367
    In this study, an auto-associative neural network (AANN) is designed as a fault detector using the cybernetic concepts. In this sense, an artificial neural network structure is connected with a finite state system or a finite automata and an AANN topology is described as a virtual detector. In terms of the practical application, vibration signals, which are taken from an induction motor of 5 HP for both the healthy and faulty motor cases, are considered in the spectral domain. The vibration signal presented in the healthy motor case is separated into 4 blocks and the spectral set of these blocks is used as input and target pattern sets during the training of the AANN. After the training process, a new vibration spectrum, which is defined in the faulty motor case is applied to this trained network and the faulty case is determined by the error variation at output nodes of the AANN. In this application, the error signal shows huge amplitudes between 2 and 4 kHz as an indicator of the bearing damage.