Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü / Department of International Relations

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11413/6794


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Eu External Governance in Policy Area Under "Embedded Stalemate": Navigating the Dynamic Networks of Turkish Transport
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2024) ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMAL
    This paper offers a nuanced examination of EU external governance within the challenging terrain of ‘embedded stalemate’, utilizing a network governance lens. Focusing on the Turkish transport sector as a case study, the research seeks to unravel the determinants of EU compliance in areas characterized by a protracted political impasse. By investigating the intricate dynamics of this ‘embedded stalemate’, the paper explores the question: ‘How do various factors influence the compliance with the EU in the Turkish transport sector amid a prolonged stalemate characterized by the absence of benchmarks and deadlines?’ Through 11 semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, ranging from Turkish Ministry officials to private transport advisors, the study identifies variables such as incentives, actor capacities, asymmetry of interdependence, socialization, and politicization as crucial forces influencing the trajectory of compliance. The conceptual framework of network governance is introduced, providing a theoretical lens to understand the complex web of actors and preferences in this dynamic landscape. Therefore, the study concludes that as a result of ‘embedded stalemate’, patchy compliance is achieved through prolonged and dynamically evolving network governance involving a diverse array of actors from both the EU and Turkey sides.
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    Birleşmiş Milletler Barışı Koruma Operasyonları ve Güç Kullanma Olgusu (1946-1996)
    (Akdeniz Üniversitesi, 2006) DEMİRDÖĞEN, ÜLKÜ
    Bu makalede Birleşmiş Milletler barışı koruma operasyonlarının ilk elli yılda (1946-1996) geçirdiği evrim ana hatları ile incelenmekte ve bu operasyonların güç kullanmaya ne kadar uygun oldukları bir örnek olay olarak ele alınan UNPROFOR çerçevesinde tartışılmaktadır. Soğuk savaş sonrasında ortaya çıkan ikinci nesil operasyonlar, siyasal ve insani yeni işlevler kazanarak, birincilere göre çok daha karmaşık ve çok boyutlu/çok işlevli bir niteliğe bürünmüşlerdir. İkinci nesil operasyonların tipik bir örneğini oluşturan UNPROFOR deneyiminde güç kullanma olgusu ve yarattığı sorunlar irdelenmektedir.
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    The Impact of Unionization in the Agricultural Sector: Farmer Perceptions and Behavior
    (Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dekanlığı, 2023) HAMZAOĞLU, NAZİFE MERVE
    For centuries, agriculture has been one of the vital sectors in economic development; its role in developing economies and rural development is still inevitable. Rising food and energy prices and the negative effects of climate change can be more problematic for middle-smallholder farmers or family enterprises and low-qualified farmworkers. To overcome them, unionization and cooperatives in agriculture may present a viable option. Unionization in agriculture can be a solution for vulnerable parts of agriculture, such as workers who are exploited by working cheap and long hours and small and family businesses in a market where cooperatives are disrupted. This study focuses on the impact of unionization in the agricultural market by exploring farmer behavior. World Values Survey Data (Wave 7) was applied to reveal the factors affecting farmers' perception of the economic and social factors from different countries by segmenting union members and non-members using binomial logistic regression models. The findings show that unionized farmers have different motivations than non-members. Income targeting policies are essential to support agri-business owners.
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    Understanding the “Balancing Act” of Turkey in the Russia-Ukraine War
    (IGI Global, 2023) ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMAL
    Since the beginning of the conflict, Turkey, as a regional powerhouse, has remained intact in its position as the “honest broker.” In a nutshell, Turkey has been trying to consolidate a balance between the resurgence of Russian aggressiveness and the Western aspirations to protect Ukraine at all costs. For so many in the West, Turkish actions were defined as even damaging at some point to the causes of NATO and the EU. Nevertheless, Turkey's role conception in this war is nothing new and rooted very well back to the earlier Republican experience with the Black Sea. In other words, Turkish foreign policy towards the Black Sea and Ukraine/Russia has always leaned toward a strategic behavior of balancing these significant powers. The latest act has been no different from a Turkish way of “sticking with the plan.” Therefore, deciphering the dynamics of this role is undoubtedly a must to undercover the geopolitical interest of Turkey from the region amid a fully-fledged war. This chapter proposes three related sections to understand and analyze the story's Turkish side.
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    Walking a Tightrope: Turkey Between the EU and Russia in the Crimea Crisis
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2023-07-15) TÜRKDOĞAN, SEYYİDE SENA
    The Crimea crisis marked one of the latest critical points in the European Union (EU)-Turkey-Russia triangle. This article analyzes Turkey's position between the EU and Russia, after the events that unfolded in February 2014, by adopting Holsti's role theory. Developing a research map through official documents, this article assesses Turkey's two-sided strategic position, by asking the following question: How did Turkey's intertwined relationships with the EU and Russia affect its foreign policy formulation in the Crimea crisis? Turkey's role formulation during the Crimea crisis is defined by empirical data acquired through the official documents of EU institutions and the Turkish and Russian foreign policy ministries. MAXQDA software was utilized to provide a systematic qualitative analysis of the 123 official declarations. This article argues that Turkey's response to the Crimea crisis was affected by several factors stemming from its asymmetric relationship with Russia, its EU candidate status, and kinship with the Crimean Tatars.
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    Introduction to the Special Issue: New Diplomatic Histories of Turkey
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2022) Kuru, Deniz; PAPUÇÇULAR, HAZAL
    This article provides an introduction to the special issue on 'New Diplomatic Histories of Turkey'. Utilizing approaches that follow the rich pathways offered by the increasingly relevant new diplomatic history, we aim to go beyond traditional diplomatic history studies on Turkey, which usually focus on inter-state relations that mostly remain at the bilateral levels. In this regard, this introduction first analyses the recent turn taking place in diplomatic history. By portraying in detail the recent scholarly efforts to enhance the field, it becomes possible to pinpoint the multiple directions in which Turkey-pertinent diplomatic-historical studies could move ahead in novel ways. Upon this premise, second, we summarize the content of the special issue by emphasizing how the present articles connect studies on the diplomacy of Turkey to approaches enriched by new diplomatic history. In this regard, the studies in this special issue cover a wide range of topics, from transnationalism to public diplomacy. The last part deals with possible ways through which to widen the scope of Turkey's diplomatic histories.
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    Putting an End to "Crisis Europe"
    (Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ), 2022) AKGÜN, İBRAHİM MENSUR; ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMAL
    The term "Crisis Europe" simply defines the current state of the EU affairs. Within the last ten years, the financial crisis, the entrance of refugees, the pandemic, and lately, the Russian invasion have deeply damaged the actorness of the bloc. Under the shadow of war, European decision-makers have once again turned to their endless search for solidarity and more integration as a response. Yet, it seems that the EU has a mountain to climb to convince its inner circle and the outer world. This short analysis tries to understand the dynamics that pushed the EU into a crisis stage and issues that consistently pulled the rug out from under the idea of unity. Moreover, it also offers a more flexible approach as an alternative plan to unblock the ongoing impasse.
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    Contested Sovereignties: Turkish Diplomacy, the Straits Commission, and the League of Nations (1924-1936)
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2022) PAPUÇÇULAR, HAZAL
    This article analyzes Turkey's complex relationship with the Straits Commission in the interwar period. The Convention Relating to the Regime of the Straits that was signed in Lausanne in 1923 stipulated the formation of an international commission under the auspices of the League of Nations. This institution became a locus that Turkey, the other members of the Commission and the League of Nations negotiated the sovereignty of the Straits and discussed the authority over its administration. This article shows that Turkey perceived the Commission detrimental to its sovereignty. However, this article also portrays an interesting case study that Turkey conducted diplomacy with this intergovernmental organization in which it actually played a leading role. The vague relationship of the Commission with the League of Nations that Turkey was not a member of until 1932 further complicates the narrative which emphasizes the multiple layers that diplomacy was formed and performed, thereby necessitating new approaches to the study of foreign policy. In this regard, this study aims to transcend the traditional accounts on interwar Turkish diplomacy, which have been dominated by the interstate bilateral relations.
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    21. Yüzyılda Tarih Yazımı ve Tarihçilik Üzerine Bir İnceleme
    (A Kitap, 2021) PAPUÇÇULAR, HAZAL
    Popülizm, otoriterleşme ve sağın yükselişiyle dünya siyasetinde gerçekleşen dönüşümler, günümüzde sosyal bilimcilerin en sık tartıştığı meseleler haline gelmiştir. Öyle ki, sosyal bilimcilerin birçoğu dünya siyasetinin, iktisadının, toplumlarının ve dolayısıyla da bunları inceleyen bilimlerin yeni bir paradigmanın eşiğinde olduğu konusunda hem fikir görünmektedir. Buradan hareketle bu makale böylesi bir dönemde ortaya çıkan veya önem kazanan tarihyazımı akımlarını analiz etmektedir. Bu bakımdan, bu çalışma küresel düzen ve tarihyazımı arasındaki bir tezadı da ortaya koymaktadır. Zira, son on yıllık dönemde tarih yazımı, dünyaya damgasını vurmakta olan ideolojilerin aksine, parçalanmadan ziyade 1990’larda dahi görülmeyen bir globalleşme trendi göstermektedir. Küresel tarih (global history) ve ulus-ötesi tarih (transnational history) alanında verilen eserler giderek artarken, bu alanlar uluslararası ilişkiler tarihi (international history) ve/veya diplomasi tarihi (diplomatic history) gibi geleneksel alanları da dönüştürmektedir. Tarihçiler bir taraftan bir devleti, toplumları ya da devletler arasındaki ilişkileri ortaya koymaya devam ederken, diğer taraftan giderek daha fazla araştırmacı daha geniş kavramlarla ve sınırları aşan meselelerle uğraşmaya başlamıştır. Çevre tarihi (environmental history), duygular tarihi (emotional history) ve nöro-tarih (neuro-history) de son dönemde daha çok önem kazanan alanları oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma, tüm bu alanların gelişimini mevcut literatür üzerinden aktarırken aynı zamanda son yıllardaki teknolojideki ilerlemelerle tarihin yönteminde de birtakım değişiklikler olduğunu belirtmektedir. Bu gelişmelerin yanında, gerçek sonrası dönem olarak adlandırılan bu dönemin ve içinde bulunulan Covid-19 pandemisinin tarihyazımına ne derece etki edebileceği analiz edilmektedir. Sonuç olarak bu makale, tarihyazımı literatüründeki dönüşümleri ve yeni tartışmaları ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir.
  • Publication
    Evaluating the International Renewable Energy Agency Through the Lens of Social Constructivism
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2021) Mengi-Dincer, H.; Ediger, V. S.; YESEVİ, ÇAĞLA GÜL
    It is widely accepted that renewable energy will contribute to building a more sustainable world, and a transition from a fossil fuel-dominated to a renewable-based energy system is inevitable. However, only 5% of the world's primary energy consumption comes from renewables. It will, therefore, take considerable time to implement international policies and take effective actions to increase the use of renewable energy to a level that mitigates climate change. States remain the primary decision-makers in the international structure, but international organizations can help states internalize and form new identities by creating norms. It is expected that the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will have a voice on international renewable energy policies. This study seeks to explain how IRENA helps shape these policies through its interactions with major players. It examines the agency's activities, initiatives, and tools over the past 10 years, and how it contributes to norm emergence and identity creation in renewable energy through social constructivism. Using the constructivist approach, this study argues that IRENA's efforts to create norms have succeeded to a considerable extent, but the agency needs to spread its initiatives more equally around the world so that these norms become truly universal. Today, nearly every state needs to improve its renewable energy policies. This objective may only be possible if states form a common identity through the internalization of renewable energy norms. IRENA still has a lot of work to do.
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    After the Protest: Istanbul Park Forums and People's Engagement in Political Action
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2022) RAMAZANOĞULLARI, HANDE
    This article presents an overview of the Istanbul park forums that emerged in parallel with the Gezi events - social protest movements that took place in summer 2013. Despite the criticism that Gezi events were short-lived, impulsive, and ineffectual I argue that they have a long-lasting influence on democratic consciousness and new forms of political action. Istanbul park forums, the street and urban squares have become an important link between those who wish to transform the qualities of both democracy and the regime at large with efforts to create influence over local and national policy-making processes through engagement in political action. Drawing from the political theory of Hannah Arendt, this study assigns the capacities of 'deed and speech' to redefine 'politics'. Analyzing the politics of the park forum process through the lens and concepts of Arendt's political theory suggests an alternative way of evaluating the eventual dissolution of the Gezi events: rather than suffering from the inability to organize themselves within the conventional format of party politics, I show that the Gezi community deliberately created a new manner of engagement through political action, and thereby cast its influence as a historic landmark in the future of Turkish politics.
  • Publication
    Effect of External Innovation Capacity on Company Level Innovativeness
    (Management & Business Acad., 2021) OKATAN, KAĞAN; Alankuş, Orhan Behiç
    This study focuses on the correlation of national innovation inputs and the external innovation environment with the company-level innovation output. Since all companies are aiming at sustainable innovation to ensure sustainable profit growth, the current literature has highlighted the need for a well-structured internal innovation system for innovation success and discussed the factors affecting the performance of organisations. The internal innovation system has its own dimensions that affect the success of the whole system and emphasize the significant impact of firms on innovation results. Do all companies with a high internal innovation competency and a suitable corporate culture have the chance to become worldwide innovative? What are the impacts of the external environment where the companies are located on the innovation success? And how big is the importance of external environmental inputs? This study seeks to answer these questions and draws attention to the appropriate external environment and conditions to increase firms' innovation competencies.
  • Publication
    EU Influence Beyond Conditionality: Turkey Plus/Minus the EU
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2021) TÜRKDOĞAN, SEYYİDE SENA
    Turkey has deep historical roots with the European Union (EU). The Turkish application to establish an association with then-European Economic Community in 1959 marked the first interaction between the two, and after several attempts Turkey received candidate state status in 1999. The beginning of Turkey’s accession negotiations on October 2005 constituted an important turning point for Turkey’s relations with the EU and Turkey’s socio-political transformation...
  • Publication
    Is Turkey Ready for the Post COVID-19 World Order?
    (SETA Foundation, 2021) BAYRAKTAR, BORA
    The COVID-19 outbreak has had a huge impact on the global economy and politics. Closures and lockdowns stopped international trade resulting in an economic slowdown. It has changed the daily lives of people and the way business takes place. Politics has also been affected by the pandemic. Discussions about the changing world order have gained a new dimension and momentum. In this article, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in international relations is analyzed. Has COVID-19 triggered a change in the world order? If it has, what are the nature, scope, and content of this change? As a rising regional power in the Eastern Mediterranean region, how has Turkey been affected by this, and how did it respond to the changing situation? Signs of deteriorating world order, declining U.S. leadership, escalating geopolitical competition amongst global powers were in the air before the pandemic. Turkey's adaptation to this new world order pre-dates the pandemic, when it changed its political system, and invested in its security and cohesion.
  • Publication
    The Palestinian Question in Turkish Foreign Policy from 1990s to 2010s
    (Hale Şıvgın, 2019) BAYRAKTAR, BORA
    For several reasons the Question of Palestine has been closely followed by Turkey especially after the establishment of State of Israel. Turkey’s engagement with Palestinian territories is beyond her historical ties with it. At first, until 1990s, Palestinian issue served Turkish foreign policy to manage its relationship with the Arab World starting from 1960s. The other side of the coin was Turkey’s strained relations with Israel. The Oslo Peace Process between Israel and Palestinians enabled Turkey to boost its relations with Israel, reaching level of military partnership. After 2000s, Turkey’s balanced Palestinian policy has been dramatically changed and Turkey apparently became the leading advocate of “the Palestinian cause.” This article focuses on the evaluation of Turkey’s Palestinian policy and the logic behind it.
  • Publication
    Müslümanlar İçin Demokrasi Ne İfade Ediyor?: Demokrasinin Gerekli Görülen Özellikleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çalışma
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019) BİLGİLİ, NAZLI ÇAĞIN
    Demokrasinin var olan alternatifler içerisindeki en iyi siyasal sistem olarak kabul edilmesinin ardından Dünya’nın pek çok bölgesini etkisi altına alan demokratikleşme dalgaları birbiri ardına yaşanmıştır. Demokratikleşme literatüründe belki de son yirmi yıldır en çok tartışılan konu ise Müslüman Dünya olarak da anılan Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika’nın bu dalgalardan etkilenmemiş olması ve bölgede gerçek bir demokratikleşmenin yaşanmamış olmasıdır. Müslüman Dünya’daki demokrasi açığını ve bunun altında yatan nedenleri tartışmaya açan literatüre katkıda bulunmayı hedefleyen bu çalışma, Dünya Değerler Araştırması’nın World Values Survey altıncı dalga verisini kullanarak, farklı bölgelerdeki bireylerin demokrasiden anladıklarını karşılaştırmaktadır. Çalışmanın bu konuya odaklanmasının ana nedeni ise şimdiye kadar konu üzerine yapılan çalışmaların neredeyse tamamının bölge halkının demokrasiyi desteklediği/önemli gördüğü sonucuna ulaşmış olmasına rağmen bölgede hatırısayılır bir değişimin yaşanmamış olmasıdır. Öyleyse sorulması gereken önemli sorulardan biri; acaba bölge halkı demokrasi derken neyi/nasıl bir yönetim şeklini kast etmektedir. Bahsi geçen veri setinde demokrasinin tanımlanmış dokuz farklı özelliği sıralanmakta –gelir eşitliği, ordunun ve dini otoritelerin rolü, yurttaşlık hakları, kadın erkek eşitliği vb.- ve görüşmecilere bu özelliklerden herbirini ne kadar gerekli gördükleri sorulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada hangi özelliklerin hangi bölgelerde daha gerekli görüldüğü üzerinden yapılan karşılaştırmada farklı bölgelerdeki bireylerin demokrasiyi hangi motivasyonlarla tercih ettikleri, önemli gördükleri anlaşılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, dünyada demokratikleşmenin rol modeli olarak kabul edilen Batı demokrasileri ile demorasi açığı en ciddi boyutta olan bölgesi olarak kabul edilen Müslüman Dünya karşılaştırılırken aynı zamanda literatürde çeşitli kereler dikkat çekilmiş olan Arap-Arap olmayan Müslüman ülkeler farkına da değinilmekte ve bu iki bölge ayrı ayrı ele alınmaktadır. Analizler göstermektedir ki, tüm bölgelerde önemli görülen özelliklerin yanı sıra bölgeleri ayrıştıran çok önemli faktörler de mevcuttur. Örneğin, “hükümetler yetersiz kaldığında ordunun gücü devralması” Batı ile Müslüman Dünya’yı birbirinden net bir biçimde ayırırken –bu Batı demokrasilerinde kabul edilemez bir durumdur-, “devletin gelir eşitliği sağlaması” Arap Müslüman ülkeler ile Arap olmayan Müslüman ülkeleri belirgin bir biçimde ayrıştırmaktadır –ikinci grup tarafından son derece gerekli bir özellik olarak görülmektedir.
  • Publication
    Examining the Organization of Turkic States: A Teacher and Norm-Creator
    (T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2022) YESEVİ, ÇAĞLA GÜL
    The Organization of Turkic States (OTS) is evaluated in this article by means of a social constructivist approach. Social constructivism emphasizes the roles of international organizations in norm-emergence, norm-creation and standard-setting. The new norms that international organizations initiate can shape, change and regulate the behaviors of states. As Martha Finnemore states international organizations may act as teachers. They can persuade states to adopt cooperative behavior, accept the culture of the organization and internalize the organization’s values. International organizations can thus be seen as essential vehicles for the socialization of states. States may become more eager to rearrange their foreign policy decisions in response to the socially constructed norms held by international organizations. This article will examine the role of the OTS as an agent and a principal in the new regionalization process.
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    Türk Kadını Dergisi ve Mütareke Döneminde Kadın Yazarlar
    (Atatürk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, 2020) METİNSOY, İKBAL ELİF MAHİR
    Türk milliyetçiliği İkinci Meşrutiyet yıllarında ve özellikle deMütareke döneminde daha da güçlendi ve Osmanlı kadınlarının yaşamları veOsmanlı kadın hareketi üzerinde etkili oldu. 1918-1919 yılları arasındayayınlanan edebi ve sosyolojik bir kadın dergisi olan Türk Kadını kadınlarınyazılarını yayınlamaya önem veren milliyetçi bir dergiydi. Dönemin tanınmışbirçok erkek yazarı dergi için yazmış olmakla birlikte derginin bir amacı dakadınlara ve genç kızlara yazarlığa adım atma fırsatı sunmaktı. Dergi kadınlarıve genç kızları yazılarını yayınlamaya cesaretlendirmekle kalmayıp ÖmerSeyfettin’in genç kızlar için hazırladığı yazarlık derslerini de yayınladı. Ancakbunu yaparken Türk milliyetçiliğini güçlendirme çabasını ön planda tuttu. Bumakalede Türk Kadını dergisinin kadın yazar yetiştirme çabalarının Türk kadınhareketi ve Türk milliyetçiliği üzerindeki etkisi dergide yer alan kadınlartarafından yazılmış yazılar ve yazarlık dersleri de ele alınarak incelenecektir.
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    The Slippery Ground of Turkish Foreign Policy: An Analysis of Foreign Policy Discourse of Political Parties in the Turkish Parliament: In the Case of the Eastern Mediterranean
    (6th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, 2021) Türkdoğan, Seyyide Sena; KOUROU, NUR SİNEM; 245844; 318149
    There is an ongoing debate on the paradigm shift in Turkish foreign policy under the AKP rule, which has been characterized by Western-orientation and detachment from the pre-Republican imperial history. Although Turkish foreign policy is shaped under the leadership of AKP, the convergence and divergence among the other political parties in the Turkish Grand National Assembly are crucial to reflect the multifaceted nature of the foreign policy-making processes. In this paper, we intend to analyze the positions and treats of political parties in the parliament towards one of the heated debates in Turkish foreign policy: The Eastern Mediterranean. The dispute, rooted in crucial historical events in Turkish political life, has become the focus of many domestic and foreign policy actors. Based on Putnam’s two-level game approach, this study intends to reveal the first level of the foreign policy formation in Turkish politics through analyzing the political parties’ treats towards populism, nationalism, neo-Ottomanism, and liberal institutionalism. In order to track the patterns of the abovementioned dimensions, we have examined the speeches of the MP’s using R Studio and Nvivo programs; additionally, we interpreted the discourses of the party leaders. By doing so, we intend to show, on the one hand, the polarized context of Turkey has been observed in the foreign policy discourse of the political parties. On the other hand, how political parties, regardless of whether they are in government or opposition, share the mixture of the populist, nationalist and neo-Ottomanist, and liberal institutionalist inclination; however, their level varies to their positions in the political spectrum.
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