Publication: 7. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Okuduğunu Anlama Becerilerinin Akran Zorbalığına Etkisi
Sülükçü, Yusuf
Altunkaya, Hatice
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Eğitim Fakültesi
Akran zorbalığı, dünyada ve ülkemizde gittikçe arttığı yapılan araştırmalar sonucunda ortaya konulan bir eğitim problemidir. 2015 PISA verilerine göre Türkiye’deki akran zorbalığının oranı % 19’dur. ABİDE raporuna göre de Türkçe başarısı ile zorbalığa uğrama arasında pozitif bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Bu araştırmanın amacı, 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin okuduğunu anlama becerileri ileakran zorbalığı düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi tespit etmektir. Çalışma nicel bir araştırma olup ilişkisel tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmadaki veriler, İç Anadolu Bölgesinde yer alan bir ilçede,7. sınıfta öğrenim gören 217 öğrenciüzerinden toplanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında Akran Zorbalığı Ölçeği, Okuduğunu Anlama Başarı Testi kullanılmıştır. Okuduğunu anlama ile kurban, zorba,hayattan zevk alma arasında korelasyon analizleri incelendiğinde; kurbanile okuduğunu anlama arasında negatif (r=-.236;p=<.05), zorba ile okuduğunu anlama arasında negatif (r=-.245; p=<.05), zorbaile kurbanarasında) pozitif (r=.2;p=<.05), hayattan zevk almaile okuduğunu anlamaarasındapozitif (r=.27; p=<.05) ilişki bulunmuştur. Sonuçlara yönelik olarak önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Peer bullying is reported to be a significant educational problem in global and domestic studies. According to the 2015 PISA data, peer bullyingrate in Turkey was 19%. Based on the ABIDE report, there was a positive correlation between the achievements in Turkish language and exposure to bullying. The aim of the present study was to determine the correlation between their reading comprehension skills of 7th grade students in middle school andthe peer bullying exposure levels. The study was conducted with quantitative methodology and relational screening technique was used. The study data were collected from 217 7th grade students attending middleschool in a district located at Central Anatolia. The data were collected with the Peer Bullying Scale and Reading Comprehension Achievement Test. The analysis of the correlations between reading comprehension, victim, bully, and enjoying life variables demonstrated that there were negative correlations between victim and readingcomprehension (r=-.236; p=<.05) and between bully and reading comprehension (r=-.245; p=<.05), and positive correlations between bullyand victim (r=.27; p=<.05) and between enjoying life and reading comprehension (r=.27; p=<.05). Recommendations were presented based on study findings.
Peer bullying is reported to be a significant educational problem in global and domestic studies. According to the 2015 PISA data, peer bullyingrate in Turkey was 19%. Based on the ABIDE report, there was a positive correlation between the achievements in Turkish language and exposure to bullying. The aim of the present study was to determine the correlation between their reading comprehension skills of 7th grade students in middle school andthe peer bullying exposure levels. The study was conducted with quantitative methodology and relational screening technique was used. The study data were collected from 217 7th grade students attending middleschool in a district located at Central Anatolia. The data were collected with the Peer Bullying Scale and Reading Comprehension Achievement Test. The analysis of the correlations between reading comprehension, victim, bully, and enjoying life variables demonstrated that there were negative correlations between victim and readingcomprehension (r=-.236; p=<.05) and between bully and reading comprehension (r=-.245; p=<.05), and positive correlations between bullyand victim (r=.27; p=<.05) and between enjoying life and reading comprehension (r=.27; p=<.05). Recommendations were presented based on study findings.
Okuduğunu Anlama Becerisi, Akran Zorbalığı, Akran Zorbalığı ile Okuduğunu Anlama Arasındaki İlişki, Reading Comprehension Skills, Peer Bullying, The Correlation Between Peer Bullying Levels and Reading Comprehension Skills