Feasibility Usage Of New Methods For Outdoor Advertising And Urban Spaces With Suitable Locating Of Gorilla Technique (Case Street Safazanjan)


Our social environment is full of differentdata and visual elements, Some with planningand planned out the clear origin information, others without considering the specific target population. However aesthetics as a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature, beauty and esthetic perception, we will help in the realization organize this chaotic environment. Perhaps the Gorilla, the aesthetic is meant to research on the nature of sensory perception and, in principle, perceptual and sensory aspect is the concept of aesthetics. Since today's advertising and information are associated with large amounts of data, understanding norms helps us with contacts (the target) has placed a faster connection and data codes to optimally transfer. As a result, nowadays we want to achieveaVisual line, has changed compared to the past and breadth of our vision, to the sky, gradually through the buildings become limited. Nature around us,not only visually, but also in terms of alter auditory and visual elements called outdoor advertising also added to the building. Undoubtedly, if between these elements, Logical relations and organized placed, will doubleadverse environmental effects. Therefore, the above changes, meaning the society of normal and abnormal conditions, such as worry, anxiety and fear in the people. And reducing the amount of natural conditions of peoplelife, it will lead to a stressful life. And Gorilla is one way to reduce stress to create peace and order.







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