Publication: Study The Effects Of Knowledge Management On The Management Of Media Organizations
Lavasani, Zahra Seyed Ali
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Today, it is obvious that the organization can succeed, if they are led by qualified decisions and the
decision cannot be worthy without knowledge. Since media organizations are facing with new needs
and diversity of the audience, tastes, interests and tendencies of a new audience and technology
changes; therefore, knowledge management in the organization seems necessary in order to
accommodate with environmental conditions and strengthening. The research method was a
descriptive correlational and the study population included all employees of media organizations
(radio, television, press, etc.) in Tehran city and 380 employees and managers were selected and
analyzed by using available sampling method. The data collection tool is a questionnaire in this study.
The data obtained were analyzed through questionnaires using SPSS software and Pearson and
regression statistical tests. In general, the results showed that the use of knowledge management,
knowledge preservation, knowledge transfer, knowledge creation, knowledge application has positive
and significant impact on the management of media organizations. In addition, regression test results
confirmed the strength of this relationship as much as the probability level of 99 percent.