Publication: Counseling and Guidance Understandings of Guidance Teachers and Their Attitudes Towards Counseling and Guidance
Demir Güdül, Meryem
Can, Gürhan
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In this study, it was aimed to study the relationships between counseling
and guidance understanding of guidance teachers, who are in charge of
giving counseling and guidance service to a class, and their attitudes
towards counseling and guidance, and how their understanding of
counseling and guidance and their attitudes towards counseling and
guidance differentiate in terms of various variables. Within the
framework of relational screening model, the Counseling and Guidance
Inventory (Kepçeoğlu, 1975) and the Guidance Counselor Attitude Scale
(Demir, 2010) were used in the study, which was conducted with 595
guidance teachers working in primary and secondary education
institutions in Eskişehir. As a result of the study, it was determined that
there was a moderate level relationship (r= .44) between guidance
teachers’ understanding level of counseling and guidance and their
attitude levels towards counseling and guidance. The female guidance
teachers were found to have higher understanding of counseling and
guidance and attitudes towards counseling and guidance than those of
the male teachers. It was also determined that the guidance teachers’
understanding of counseling and guidance and their attitudes towards
counseling and guidance did not differentiate in terms of branch. On the
other hand, the guidance teachers who attended the in-service training
about counseling and guidance were found to have more positive
attitudes only towards counseling and guidance than the ones who
didn’t attend the in-service training, whereas the guidance teachers
working in primary education were found to have higher levels of both
counseling and guidance understanding and attitudes towards
counseling and guidance than the ones working in secondary education
in terms of the stage of education the teachers work in. Similarly, the
counselors who had 1-9 and 10-19 years of seniority had higher
counseling and guidance understandings than the ones who had 20 and
more years of seniority. The findings obtained as a result of the study
were discussed in the light of relevant literature.