Publication: Karadeniz Ekonomik İşbirliği Kapsamında Turizm Sektörüne Yönelik Yapılan Çalışmaların İncelenmesi
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ASOS Eğitim Bilişim Danışmanlık Otomasyon Yayıncılık Reklam Sanayi ve Ticaret LTD ŞTİ.
Küreselleşme ile birlikte ülkeler arasındaki ticari ve sosyalilişkilerin değişim göstermesi, rekabetin artması, ülkeleri yeni güçdengeleri oluşturmaya yöneltmiştir. Bu durum özellikle komşu sınırlarıolan, benzer kültürel ve sosyal değerlere sahip ülkelerin bir arayagelmesini sağlamıştır. Bu doğrultuda Karadeniz Ekonomik İşbirliği(KEİ) gibi uluslararası örgütler oluşmuş, yeni, güçlü işbirliklerikurulmuştur. Coğrafi yakınlık ve sosyal ilişkiler ticari hareketlere deyansımış ortak amaçlar, ortak hedefleri beraberinde getirmiştir.1980’lerin sonuna gelindiğinde Doğu Avrupa Ülkeleri ve SovyetlerBirliği’nde başlayan değişim süreci hız kazanmıştır. Bu süreç,Türkiye'nin de içinde bulunduğu, Karadeniz’e kıyısı olan ülkeleri biraraya getirmiş ve bölgesel bir bütünleşme sağlama amacıyla KaradenizEkonomik İşbirliği (KEİ) düşüncesinin ortaya çıkmasına sebepolmuştur. Bu düşünce, 1992 yılında on bir ülkenin katılımıyla hayatageçirilmiştir. Böylece Karadeniz Bölgesine yönelik ticari ve sosyalişbirlikleri güç kazanmıştır.KEİ kapsamında bir araya gelen üye ülkeler arasında gerçekleşenticari ve kültürel işbirlikleri, turizmin de gelişmesinde rol oynamıştır.Diğer taraftan turizm, üye ülkeler arasında sıcak ilişkiler kurulmasına yardımcı olmaktadır. Bununla birlikte Karadeniz Bölgesi, tarım, enerji,doğal kaynaklar, doğal fiziksel özellikler ve kültürel değerlerbakımından son derece zengin kaynaklara sahip olduğundan bölgedeturizm hızlı bir şekilde gelişme göstermektedir. Turizmin bölgedegelişimi, bölgesel kalkınmanın sağlanması açısından da önemlidir.Yapılan bu çalışma ile KEİ’nin Karadeniz Bölgesinde turizmingelişimine olan katkısını ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanınistenilen amaçlarına ulaşabilmek için literatür taraması yapılmış veKEİ’nin kurulduğu zamandan itibaren yapmış olduğu toplantılarincelenmiş, turizme yönelik alınan kararlar, uygulamalar ve geleceğedönük hedefler başlıklar altında sunulmuştur ve değerlendirilmiştir.
Together with globalization, trade and social relations between countries have changed, competition has increased, and countries have directed new power balances. This situation has brought together countries with similar cultural and social values, especially with neighboring borders. In this context, international organizations such as the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) have been formed and new strong partnerships have been established. Geographical proximity and social relations are also reflected in commercial movements and have brought common goals. In the 1980s, the process of change in the Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union accelerated. This process, in which Turkey has also been found, brought together the countries bordering the Black Sea and creating a favorable environment for regional integration initiatives of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) has led to the emergence of the idea. This idea was realized in 1992 with the participation of eleven countries. Thus, commercial and social cooperation towards the Black Sea Region gained strength. The commercial and cultural collaborations that took place among the member countries that came together under the BSEC played a role in the development of tourism. On the other hand, tourism helps to establish warm relations among the member countries. However, since the Black Sea region has extremely rich resources in terms of agriculture, energy, natural resources, natural physical properties and cultural values, tourism in the region is developing rapidly. The development of tourism in the region is also important in terms of ensuring regional development. This study aims to reveal the contribution of the BSEC to the development of tourism in the Black Sea Region. In order to reach the desired objectives of the study, literature review was conducted and the meetings of the BSEC since its establishment were examined, the decisions taken for tourism, practices and future targets were presented and evaluated under the headings.
Together with globalization, trade and social relations between countries have changed, competition has increased, and countries have directed new power balances. This situation has brought together countries with similar cultural and social values, especially with neighboring borders. In this context, international organizations such as the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) have been formed and new strong partnerships have been established. Geographical proximity and social relations are also reflected in commercial movements and have brought common goals. In the 1980s, the process of change in the Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union accelerated. This process, in which Turkey has also been found, brought together the countries bordering the Black Sea and creating a favorable environment for regional integration initiatives of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) has led to the emergence of the idea. This idea was realized in 1992 with the participation of eleven countries. Thus, commercial and social cooperation towards the Black Sea Region gained strength. The commercial and cultural collaborations that took place among the member countries that came together under the BSEC played a role in the development of tourism. On the other hand, tourism helps to establish warm relations among the member countries. However, since the Black Sea region has extremely rich resources in terms of agriculture, energy, natural resources, natural physical properties and cultural values, tourism in the region is developing rapidly. The development of tourism in the region is also important in terms of ensuring regional development. This study aims to reveal the contribution of the BSEC to the development of tourism in the Black Sea Region. In order to reach the desired objectives of the study, literature review was conducted and the meetings of the BSEC since its establishment were examined, the decisions taken for tourism, practices and future targets were presented and evaluated under the headings.
Karadeniz Ekonomik İşbirliği, Turizm, Türkiye