Publication: Sistematik Görsel Araştırmalarda Fotoğrafın Yeri: Mimar Sinan Eserleri Örneği
Özkeçeci, İlhan
Böcekler, Burcu
Yavuz, Ozan
Önal, Halil
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The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication
Shortly after invention in 19.century, photography had been used in service art research. As well as
photographing of paintings, ceramics, chinas, photographs of the most valuable architectural structures
are important.Turkey is the most important countries in the world in terms of having Mimar Sinan
Mosques which are most rare examples of Turkish Islamic Architecture. But there is still not any
institution that contains photographs of Mimar Sinan’s artefacts, performing systematic photographies or
sharing of these datas. However, large majority of the researchers needs these kind of visual datas.
Relating to the past as well as current status of the mosque photos always required by researchers. Largest
sources for history on this topic ,photos of taken with their own means art historians like Oktay Aslanapa.
These photos provide great opportunities to researchers on both mosques and their environments.
However, the provision of this photographs is very difficult because of personal archives. They put in
their book is limited by one or two photos. In this article will be mentioned Mimar Sinan books published
in Turkey and the photos situated in this books. Until the early years of Turkish Republic to present day,
many boks have been published on Mimar Sinan contains a single structure or his monographs. Most of
the photographs in this boks are anonymous or taken by art historians. However, since 1970s in
collaboration with art historians and photographers have photographed to provide a more aesthetic view
of Sinan’s structures. Another area where the photographs of the artifacts of Mimar Sinan is Internet.
Today’s internet opportunities are faced with very intense photographic reserve. However, how can be
used and satisfying are these photographs in terms of art historians and other researchers? In this section
of article, photographs of Mimar Sinan artifacts will be explored in today’s Internet environment. In the
last section, the scientific project name is An Esthetical Analysis of Decorative Elements in Various
Ottoman Architectural Works in İstanbul (China-Engraving-Wood-Stone-Marble Pattern, Kaligrafi
Compozition) which is systematic photographic project consist of Mimar Sinan’s artefacts’s decoration
like engraving, china, wood will be discussed. Photo shoot in the project was carried out today’s latest
digital photo techniques. Shootings began with general schemes to show the location of the mosque. After
the genral photographs of general structure, focused on decorations such as wood, china, calligraphy
located in mosques.
Fotoğraf, Mimar Sinan, Görsel Araştırma, Arşiv, Osmanlı Mimarisi, Photography, Visual Research, Archive, Ottoman Architecture