Publication: Türkiye’de Yaşayan Suriyeli Çocuklar ve Aileleri: Anlatılmayan Karşıt Hikâyeler
Karslı Çalamak, Elif
Erdemir, Ersoy
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Eğitim Fakültesi
Bu araştırma, Türkiye’de yaşamaya başlamış Suriyeli mülteci aile ve çocukların Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi (EÇE) ekseninde edindikleri deneyimleriniyansıtan sık duyulmayan karşıt hikâyeleri, Kurgulanmış Dünyalar kuramına göre incelemiştir. Araştırma kapsamında, Ankara, Gaziantep, Mardin, Hatay, İstanbul ve Şanlıurfa kentlerinde yaşayan mülteci aile ve çocuklardan toplanan veriler; bu aile ve çocukların EÇE hizmetlerine erişim ve katılım deneyimlerini aktaran karşıt hikâyeler veri setini oluşturmuştur. Hikâye analizi yöntemi kullanılarak toplam 32 hikâye sistematik bir şekilde derinlemesine analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları aile ve çocukların eğitime ilişkin eylemlilikleri, bir diğer deyişle, mücadele etme, iyileşme, yetkinliklerini sergileme, kaynak arama ve kaynak yaratma deneyimlerine işaret etmektedir. Bu bulgular, aile ve çocukların kendileri ve birbirleri için çeşitli dünyalar kurgulayarak, basmakalıp mülteci kimliğinin ötesinde,geçmişten getirdikleri ve Türkiye’de yeni bir yaşam inşa etme sürecinde edindikleri çoklu kimliklerinin güçlü yönlerini ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırma bulguları doğrultusunda, mülteci bireylerin deneyimlerini ele alan eğitim araştırmalarına ve ülkedeki yüksek mülteci çocuk nüfusu düşünülerek, öğretmen eğitimine dair öneriler paylaşılmaktadır.
Drawing on the Figured Worldstheory, this study investigates the counter narrativesof Syrian refugee families and children living in Turkey as reflective of their experiences in accessing and participating in early childhood education services. Agents ofthese stories were refugees living in the cities of Ankara, Gaziantep, Mardin, Hatay, İstanbul and Şanlıurfa. Utilizing narrative analysis method, 32 counter narratives were analyzed systematically in an in-depth fashion. Findings revealed the agency of families and children, in particular, their practices of coping, recovery, resilience, and competence along with searching for and creating educational resources. Beyond the conventional and stereotypical perceptions of refugee identity, findings also show that refugee children and families figure out multiple identities, which are either carried from the past or constructed at the present as they build a new life in Turkey. This process of figuring out multiple identities were enacted while families and children figure out identities in relation to both themselves and other actors in their lives. The study has implications for educational research and teacher education in Turkey as the country hosts the world’s largest number of child refugee population in the world.
Drawing on the Figured Worldstheory, this study investigates the counter narrativesof Syrian refugee families and children living in Turkey as reflective of their experiences in accessing and participating in early childhood education services. Agents ofthese stories were refugees living in the cities of Ankara, Gaziantep, Mardin, Hatay, İstanbul and Şanlıurfa. Utilizing narrative analysis method, 32 counter narratives were analyzed systematically in an in-depth fashion. Findings revealed the agency of families and children, in particular, their practices of coping, recovery, resilience, and competence along with searching for and creating educational resources. Beyond the conventional and stereotypical perceptions of refugee identity, findings also show that refugee children and families figure out multiple identities, which are either carried from the past or constructed at the present as they build a new life in Turkey. This process of figuring out multiple identities were enacted while families and children figure out identities in relation to both themselves and other actors in their lives. The study has implications for educational research and teacher education in Turkey as the country hosts the world’s largest number of child refugee population in the world.
Karşıt Hikâyeler, Anlatılmayan Hikâyeler, Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi, Suriyeli Mülteciler, Mülteci Çocuklar, Counter Narratives, Missing Stories, Early Childhood Education, Syrian Refugees, Refugee Children, Refugee Families