Publication: The Role Of New Information And Communcatıon Technologıes In The Performance Of Publıc Relatıons (Case Study: Electronıc Payment Card Network ""Shaparak"")"
Vosoghpour, Farkhondeh
Jafari, Ali
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The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication
The main objective of this study is the role of new information and communication technologies in
the performance of public relations (case study of Shaparak network). This survey method is scrolling
and measuring tool is a questionnaire. The statistical society of present research is shaparak’s staffs
that are 90 peoples based on Statistics. Sampling in this study were all counting. The results showed
that the use of new information technologies and communication and information gathering is a
significant relationship in public relations. This means that the use of new information technologies
and communication, and public relations increases collecting information on public relations is also
increasing. Also, between the use of new information technologies and communication and planning
in public relations, there is a significant relationship. The use of new information technologies and
communication and public relations there is a significant relationship, this means that the use of new
information technologies and communication is increasing the communication in public relations is
also increases. The results of this research also showed that the use of new information technologies
and communication and public relations measurement and evaluation is a significant relationship.
Today enabling information technology is raised as a tool for managers and employees. The electronic
public relations can have played a key role as the information communication units in optimizing the
information architecture process of organizations and this is true to Shaparak electronic payment card
New technologies, Public relations, Shaparak, Communication, Performance, shaparak, Yeni teknolojiler, Halkla ilişkiler, shaparak, İletişim, Performans