Publication: Evaluation of optimum building envelope materials in different climate regions of Turkey
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Energy-related issues have been in the centre of the policies of many governments.
Increasing the energy production or decreasing the energy consumption can provide significant
economic support to countries. Thus, developments in energy industry are of prime importance
for countries, especially for Turkey, where improving the energy efficiency is one of the key
components of the 2023 national strategy objectives and energy policies. Energy efficiency in
residential buildings can be obtained by a number of ways such as optimizing the building
envelope. Design of a building envelope depends on a number of parameters including the
window, wall, basement, and ceiling properties. The insulation properties of such components
can radically impact the energy efficiency of a building. Selecting the optimum materials in
designing the building envelope has been one of the fundamental issues in the academic field
in the last decade. Providing cost efficient envelope design while satisfying relevant standards
has been the common goal. The aim of this study is to find optimum materials for the building
envelope design of a residential building in Turkey. Genetic algorithm is utilized for the
optimization purposes. The decision variables are determined as the window type and the
insulation materials to be applied on the exterior walls, ceiling, and basement. The properties
and costs of the materials are obtained from the unit price list prepared by Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. The objective function is expressed as the
minimization of the total cost of the building envelope materials. The constraints are stated as
the limitations indicated by the Turkish Standard 825 (TS 825), “thermal insulation
requirements for buildings”. The optimization environment including the genetic algorithm and
heating energy calculations is generated in Matlab. A total of 30, 20, 60, and 27 alternatives are
identified for the exterior walls, basement, ceiling, and window types, respectively. Optimum
design solutions are determined for four climate regions of Turkey as defined by TS 825. The
optimization environment could identify optimum design solution among thousands of
combinations for each climate region separately. The optimization environment can be utilized
by homeowners or designers to determine the building envelope with minimum cost satisfying
the relevant standard. Also, the study is expected to encourage professionals in the construction
industry to utilize such optimization tools to deal with design-related decisions.