Zekâ Alanları İle Medyayı Bilgilenme Amaçlı Kullanmaya Yönelik Tutum Arasındaki İlişki

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Okur Berberoğlu, Emel

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The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication

Research Projects

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People, in global world, have more contact with media tools within improving and changing technology. They are keen on to use media either for entertainment or for information. Visual tools point out although media is based on written tools. Visual tools are also important for 'intelligence'. The people who have developed visual-spatial intelligence mostly focus on figures, maps, graphs etc. rather than written documents. The aim of this research – considering with Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory- is to determine whether there is corelation between intelligence area and attitude of using media for grounding. The scanning model was used. The researcher used an attitute scale in order to determine using media for grounding and an intelligence scale in order to determine intelligence areas. The sample group was consist of 89 second and third grades students who have not had media literac education until that time from Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University It is found that there is only corelation between social intelligence and attitude of using media for information.



Medya, Çoklu Zekâ Kuramı, Sosyal Zeka, Görsel-Uzamsal Zekâ, Media, Multiple İntelligence Theory, Social İntelligence, Visual-Spatial İntelligence
