Publication: Characteristics of Fabricated Soil for Landscape Rehabilitation: The Four Crop Test for Biological Activity
Kefeli, Valentine
Leininger, Christopher
Mastalski, Shari
Kimberly, Pincin
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi
Fabricated soil (FS) is a mixture of substrates
containing balanced amounts of carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium and mineral elements that
support plant growth . In our experiments, we use FS
for the rehabilitatio n of land f r om mining soil
pollutants. Characteristics of fabricated soil were
determined including measurements of N, P, K; other
nutritive elements including Mg, Ca, S, and Fe; and
micro-elements and toxic elements including Mn, Zn,
A l , Ni, and Pb. Also , microbial activity of the soil was
tested to determine fungal and bacterial presence.
After investigating these soil characteristics, we used
a four - crop test to investigate fabricated soils and
related substrates for biological activity. Soil health
includes a balance of mineral and organic elements
and healthy microbial activity. These characteristics
play the key role in the soil ' s ability to support the
growth of higher plants which complete the
regenerative process of soil cycling. Healthy soils
provide materials for food, energy, and shelter.
Healthy soils are crucial to all biological, geological,
and water cycles.
Fabricated Soil, Fabrikasyon Toprak, Four Crop Test, Dört Kırpma Testi