Basılı Mizahtan Paylaşılan Mizaha Doğru Dönüşüm: İnternette Mizah

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Karahisar, Tüba

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The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication

Research Projects

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Humour was always present in the Turkish culture both in verbal and printed form. For example, Nasreddin Hodja, Karagöz and Hacivat were the greatest representatives of the oral tradition, whereas Nef'i, Nabi, Poet Esref, Neyzen Tevfik were the masters of satire. Humour has been the savior of the people in troubled times during the Ottoman Empire period and after the establishment of the Republic. Humour is one of the important criteria to understand the political and economic ups and downs of the society. Although there are attempts to suppress illustrators from time to time since humour is seen as tool of domination by the governments, today, humour continues to be made and shared on the Internet and in the streets. Purpose of this study is to investigate the Turkish humour based on the historical periods and to reveal who makes the digital humour, reasons for the Z generation to prefer visual humour instead of printed humour and why captioned images are more appealing for the young people. A literature review was conducted for the study, and secondary sources were utilized for data collection (such as contemporary published humour magazines, the Internet pages and social media accounts of these humour magazines, humour related websites, social media pages of virtual humour characters and so on.).



Mizah, Karikatür, Dijital Mizah, İnternette Mizah, Caps, Humour, Caricature, Humour in Digital Media, Humour in Internet, Captioned Images
