Publication: New Cultural Horızons: 3D
Mischie, Ioana
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Nowadays, we are witnessing new horizons in the contemporary cinema: the 3D technique’s giant
step. The question is: is 3D a valid criteria? The filmmaker wants you to live with the characters,
offering Cinema an incredible flexibility as a multicultural platform. We have no universal scale
at our disposal to measure the quality of a good story, of a memorable film, or even of an
innovative technique. It is more a matter of communis opinio: what is generally accepted as good
quality. At the start of the film you have to engage the minds and hearts of the audience. It’s
crucial, it is a hyatus. The presentation is based on individual film analysis, exemplified by
interviews with James Cameron (the director of “Avatar”), with Wim Wenders (the director of the
3D documentary “Pina”) and as well, will take into consideration a case study focused on how the
Romanian public understands 3D.