Publication: The calculation of oscillator strengths by the arrangement of width 6 code
Bolcal, Çetin
Doğan, Gülten
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Yıldız atmosfer modellerinden itibaren atmosferlerinde kimyasal element bolluklarını hesaplıyan WIDTH 6 kodu yeniden düzenlenerek, atmosferlerinde kimyasal element bollukları iyi bilinen güneşin bolluk değerleri veri olarak girilerek 81 Fel çizgisinin ossilatör şiddetleri çıktı olarak elde edilmiştir.
In this work the WIDTH 6 code, which calculates the chemical abundances in the atmospheres of stars, has been changed to a form, so that it calculates the oscillator strengths by using solar chemical elemental abundance values, then the dippole oscillator strenghts of 81 Fe I lines have been calculated.
In this work the WIDTH 6 code, which calculates the chemical abundances in the atmospheres of stars, has been changed to a form, so that it calculates the oscillator strengths by using solar chemical elemental abundance values, then the dippole oscillator strenghts of 81 Fe I lines have been calculated.