Publication: Hazır planlarda yer alan fen etkinliklerinin okul öncesi eğitim programı temel özellikleri açısından incelenmesi
Alabay, Erhan
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Araştırmanın amacı, 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılında çeşitli yayınevleri tarafından hazırlanan okul
öncesi eğitim setlerindeki hazır planlarda yer alan fen etkinliklerinin, 2013 Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programı
temel özellikleri açısından incelenmesidir. Araştırma amacı doğrultusunda nitel araştırma yöntemi
kullanılmış olup, veriler doküman incelemesi yoluyla toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde ise içerik analizi
yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Türkiye’deki yayınevleri tarafından 48-66 aylık
çocuklara yönelik hazırlanmış 5 hazır plan kapsamındaki toplam 192 fen etkinliği oluşturmaktadır.
Araştırma sonucunda, hazır planlarda yer alan fen etkinliklerinin büyük bir oranının, çocuk merkezli,
oyun temelli, keşfederek öğrenme, aile katılımı, öğrenme merkezlerinin kullanımı, günlük yaşam
deneyimlerinin ve yakın çevre olanaklarının kullanımı gibi temel özelliklere uygun olmadığı sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca hazır planlardaki fen etkinliklerinde, yüksek oranda büyük grup etkinliklerine, gözlem
becerisi haricinde çok az oranda diğer temel bilimsel süreç becerilerine, sıklıkla kapalı uçlu sorulara yer
verildiği tespit edilmiştir.
The purpose of this study, examining science activities presented in books prepared by various publishers in 2014-2015 educational semesters, in terms of basic characteristics of 2013 preschool education program. In this study qualitative research method was used. Data was collected via documents and content analysis technique was used for analyzing the data. 192 science activities for 48-66 months children were examined. Those activities were presented in 5 montly plans which were directly to use for teachers in books published by various publishers. Results of the study indicated that most of the science activities are not in accordance with basic characteristics of 2013 Preschool Education Programs (being child centered, being play based, learning to explore, family involvement, usage of learning center, using daily life experience and facilities of near environment). Also, it is determined that most of science activities are big group activities and do not use open ended questions which enhance activities. Also, it is identified that most of science activities focus on observation skills and rarely focus on other basic science process skills.
The purpose of this study, examining science activities presented in books prepared by various publishers in 2014-2015 educational semesters, in terms of basic characteristics of 2013 preschool education program. In this study qualitative research method was used. Data was collected via documents and content analysis technique was used for analyzing the data. 192 science activities for 48-66 months children were examined. Those activities were presented in 5 montly plans which were directly to use for teachers in books published by various publishers. Results of the study indicated that most of the science activities are not in accordance with basic characteristics of 2013 Preschool Education Programs (being child centered, being play based, learning to explore, family involvement, usage of learning center, using daily life experience and facilities of near environment). Also, it is determined that most of science activities are big group activities and do not use open ended questions which enhance activities. Also, it is identified that most of science activities focus on observation skills and rarely focus on other basic science process skills.