The Effect Of Awareness, Association And Perceived Quality Of Retail On Shopping Intention Regarding Mediating Role Of Loyalty To Retailing (Case Study: Najm Hypermarket In Rasht


Many organizations believed that one of their most valuable assets is brand of products and their services. Many researchers pointed out this subject that creating a powerful brand is one key factor for achieving competitive excellence and long-term survival in the market. A proper brand can strengthen his intention for shopping by stability in mind of consumer. Therefore the main goal of research is effect of awareness, association and perceived quality of retailing on shopping intention regarding mediating role of loyalty to retailing (case study: Najm hypermarket in Rasht city). Current research is applied one and regarding classification of research based on the way of data collection it is descriptive. Statistical society of research is all customers of Najm hypermarket in Rasht. Regarding that number of considering sample based on having the best condition is chosen for presenting proper information so sampling method is improbable and purposeful sampling method. For determining number of sample Cochran formula of unlimited society has been used and number of calculated sample is 352 customers of this shop. Tool of data collection in this research is standard questionnaire that has been designed by Das in 2014. For considering hypothesis of research confirming factor analysis and structural equation modeling has been used. Result of research denotes positive and meaningful effect of dimension of retail especial value on shopping intention. On the other hand effect of association of retailing, awareness of sale and perceived quality of retailing on customer’s loyalty was confirmed.







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