Publication: New Era Gathering Mathematics And Architecture
Najhvani, Saeedeh Dehghani
Shahedi, Bahram
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In this study,it has been tried to recognize the facilities of digital environment which has emerged a
new literature in creating architecture works,by recognizing the world of digital analyzing consisting
for motion of imaginations and illusions of architects and the discussions relating to building and
indicating technical details and performing steps and various analyses. Research method in this
study,is qualitative and kind of analytical–descriptive and the general method of data collection is the
type of literature Regarding the studies made in this field this literature begins from the primary steps
of concept design and ends to the step performing a building the design step,one can make
analyzes and various assessments using computer environment and algorithmic base in a short time
and by the least structure and production is the last step of the process of digital design and
production in which wing of proper equipment and hardware is inevitable.from the view point of
cohesion the process of digital design and structure,what is important is the way of connection of
designing soft wares to these hard wares(structure machines).in the conclusion, we introduce the
mathematics and algorithmic patterns and the way of using them and applying them in some case
samples.the findings showed that patterning and designing with computer soft wares and using the
algorithms cause enabling in design and industrial production of buildings and we todays with nesses
that creativities in using the materials and new ones of them has been emerged by digital
facilities,simply,new formations would be designed then built and survey would be done on them by
using the algorithm of the relation between the materials and the methods.