Publication: The Internet Of Things (Iot) A Survey
Nabati, Rouhollah
Taheri, Samira
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The present study aims to review the latest status of Internet of Things. With the advent of Internet of
Things, a new type of relationship emerged between objects and human as well as objects and objects.
This technology was manifested by combining different technologies of communication and information
and has created new dimensions in the world of communications. We can clearly perceive that the
development of this technology requires serious efforts in various areas of knowledge including
Communications and Information Technology (ICT), Informatics, Electronics and Social Engineering. In
present paper, we attempted to investigate and compare different views about the Internet of Things in
scientific and academic communities. We also study different technologies such as RFID -based systems
and wireless sensor networks which are enabling technologies. Afterwards different applications of
Internet of Things in everyday life and industry and finally the issues which demand further research and
development will be reviewed.