Publication: Environmental Assessment Organization By Using A Combined Approach Of Fuzzy Ahp And Swot Analysis Case Study: Health Network Of Kashan University Of Medical Science
Rahati, Meghdad
Dehghani, Masoud
Razzaghi, Reza
Nanakar, Reza
Sakeni, Zahra
Kavosian, Abas
Dehaghi, Zahra Hashemi
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Today's, one of the secrets to success in organizations is power of analysis. Analysis of
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is an appropriate tools. As regards the
importance of each above factors is equal in prioritizing and decision making, in this study,
researchers had certain importance and weight of each factors quantitatively with combined
approach of Fuzzy AHP and SWOT Analysis. In this applicable, cross-sectional and descriptive
study, that had been done in Health Network of Kashan University of Medical science, were
used three questionnaires for data collection and was conducted during the four steps:
1.Identification environmental factors 2. Measurement environmental factors (main criteria) 3.
Calculate the Weight of sub criteria (Level two) 4. Finalizing weight of each factor. In the
ranking of environmental factors, Fuzzy AHP method has been used. In this study between
environmental factors, Weaknesses, had highest weight. Also in analysis of environmental
Health Network, Weaknesses in finance management (0/131) and appropriate distribution of age
and education level of employment experts (0/085) had highest priority rank. In analysis of
environmental factors by using a combined approach of Fuzzy AHP and SWOT Analysis ,by
giving weight and degree in internal and external factors, can be obtain more precise results
than SWOT method.