Publication: Okul Müdürlerinin Aday Öğretmenlere Rehberlik Etmeleri ile Liderlik Oryantasyonları Arasındaki İlişki
Karacabey, Mehmet Fatih
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Eğitim Fakültesi
Bu araştırmada okul müdürlerinin okullarında görev yapan aday öğretmenlere rehberlik edebilme düzeyiyle liderlik oryantasyonları arasındaki ilişkiincelenmektedir.Çalışmada tarama modeliyle Şanlıurfa’da görev yapan 307 aday öğretmenden toplanan veriler analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda okul müdürlerinin okullarında görev yapan aday öğretmenlere rehberlik edebilme ve liderlik oryantasyonlarının orta düzeyde olduğuverehberlik edebilme düzeyleriyle liderlik oryantasyonları arasında yüksek düzeyde ilişki bulunduğubelirlenmiştir.İlkokul ve lise müdürlerinin ortaokul müdürlerine göre aday öğretmenlere eğitim-öğretim alt boyutunda daha iyi rehberlik ettiğisaptanmıştır. Ayrıcaokul müdürlerinin sınıf öğretmenliği mezunu aday öğretmenlere branş öğretmenliği mezunu aday öğretmenlerden daha iyi rehberlik ettiği ve liderlik oryantasyonlarının cinsiyet, okul türü, branş ve görev yerine göre farklılık göstermediği belirlenmiştir.
In this study, which investigates the relationship between school principals' level of being able to guide prospective teachers in their schools and leadership orientations, data collected from 307 candidate teachers working in Şanlıurfa were analyzed. As a result of the study, it was found that school principals’ guidance and leadership orientations were at a moderate level, there is a high level of relationship between the level of guidance and leadership orientation, primary and high school principals provide better guidance to prospective teachers in the sub-dimension of education-teaching, school principals have better guidance to prospective teachers who have graduated from primary school teachers than prospective teachers with branch education and it was determined that leadership orientations did not differ according to gender, type of school, branch and task location.
In this study, which investigates the relationship between school principals' level of being able to guide prospective teachers in their schools and leadership orientations, data collected from 307 candidate teachers working in Şanlıurfa were analyzed. As a result of the study, it was found that school principals’ guidance and leadership orientations were at a moderate level, there is a high level of relationship between the level of guidance and leadership orientation, primary and high school principals provide better guidance to prospective teachers in the sub-dimension of education-teaching, school principals have better guidance to prospective teachers who have graduated from primary school teachers than prospective teachers with branch education and it was determined that leadership orientations did not differ according to gender, type of school, branch and task location.
Aday Öğretmen, Rehberlik, Liderlik, İlişki, Şanlıurfa, Prospective Teacher, Guidance, Leadership, Relationship