Publication: Dijital Çağ Ve Bireyin İdeolojik Aygıtları
Kaplan, Kenan
Ertürk, Elif
Journal Title
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Volume Title
The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication
The new period that has been called as “Digital Age”, while it is expressing a presure of an
hegomonic age by determining most of the social rules by media, on the other hand, that
“digital age” shows us a new social transformation by the help of being able to have cheap
and useful technologic tools for individuals. Using the tecnology in this way makes for these
new type of individuals possible to build his/her own personal envoirment with the new rules
for a new community.The Authority is used to turn the individuals into its own silent
obeydiences, one can say “Isolated İndividuals”, nevertheless at the same time this “isolated
individuals” are used to be in a stiuation trying to gain his own importance in the community
and he is trying to make his voice loud against to the Authority by using the technologic tools
and equipments. This article, from the aspect of the isolated individual, is going to question
the possiblities to change the conditions into his advantage against to this over determiation of
the digital age.
Ideological Aparatous, New Media, Mass Media, Digital World, Individual, İdeolojik Aygıtlar, Yeni Medya, Medya, Dijital Dünya, Bireysel