Publication: Zamansız Bir Görsel Kültür Ürünü Olarak Kaybedenler Kulübü
Yaşartürk, Gül
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The movie Kaybedenler Kulübü can be seen as an ordinary period film. Although the film
takes place in the mid 1990's, it often has no periodic indicator or any expression pertaining to
the period. Here, it is possible to say that the film has no borders between time and space.
Although the events in the film take place in the 1990's, the audience, not having any idea
about the film’s subject or the characters, can easily think that the events occur today due to
the visual structure of the film. This choice may be considered as a tribute to the past, or can
also be seen as an effort to bring the past forth into the present; to revive the past. Precisely
within the framework of the unnoticed efforts, the real characters have began began to make
the same program again, but not surprisingly, it does not meet sufficient interest. Because it is
obvious that, the radio program is a periodic product. The said effort to revive the book of
Baudrillard and Simulation Simulakrlar Ramses finds an optimistic reflection within the text
entitled The Story of the Resurrection. After its removal from the tomb, the mummy of
Ramses II decays throwing the researchers into great despair. Furthermore, the film does not
establish the basis and conjuncture of radio programs' being popular in the 1990's and
completely degrades itself into a product of “visual culture”. Usage of different framing to
divide the screen and excessive usage of music to support the film results in its being solely
consisting of form. In the film, it is possible to see neither the answer to the question “Why
are these people losers?”, nor the connection between being a loser and the 1990's. Instead,
Kaybedenler Kulübü builds its world upon the solitude of the characters and the discourse of
the conservative world of men's fraternity.