Publication: Yerli ve Çeviri Çocuk Kitaplarında Dil Dışı Öğelerin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rollerini Sunuş Bağlamında İncelenmesi
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Gayberi, Elif
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Kitaplar; çocuk eğitiminde kullanılan önemli, etkili ve çocuklar üzerinde iz bırakan eğitim materyallerinden biridir. Çocuk kitaplarının çocuğun bilişsel duyuşsal ve devinişsel gelişim sürecinde etkili bir araç olduğu bilinmektedir. Resimli çocuk kitapları, zihinsel ve dilsel gelişimine katkıda bulunduğu gibi çocuğun sosyal anlamda da gelişmesine yardımcı olur.
Kitaplar sayesinde çocukların dünyayı tanıma fırsatları olur. Çocukların oynayarak yaşamı öğrendiği dönemde yazınsal nitelikli kitaplar, onların hem toplumsallaşmalarını, dilsel becerilerini ve yaratıcılıklarını geliştirmelerini hem de bilişsel öğrenmeleri için doğal yaşantı ortamları hazırlamaktadır. Çocukların bir olguyu ya da olayı anlamasında oldukça etkili olan olay örgüsü, kitaplarda çok sık kullanıldığından, kitaplar bu yönüyle çocuklara bir tür sosyal öğrenme imkanı da sağlar. Çocuklar kültürleri, çeşitlilikleri, farklılıkları, toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini kitaplar sayesinde öğrenmektedirler. Kitaplara yansıyan karakterler çocuklara yön vermektedir. Karakterlerle birlikte sunulan toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri bu noktada oldukça önemlidir. Çocuklar kitaplardaki karakterler ile çoğu zaman özdeşim kurarak nasıl bir kadın ve nasıl bir erkek olunması gerektiğini öğrenmektedirler. Yapılan alan yazın taramasında hem yerli hem de yabancı pek çok çalışmada benzer cinsiyetçi kalıp yargılar tespit edilmiştir.
Genellikle öykü ve masal kitaplarında kadınların çalışma hayatının kısıtlı tutulduğu ve mesleki rollerinin çok az belirtildiği; kadın figürlerinin genellikle ev içinde ve çocuklarla ilgilenen anne rolünde, kız çocukları annelerine mutfakta ya da evin temizliğinde yardım ederken, erkek çocukları ise annelerine alış verişte yardım ederken betimlendiği belirlenmiştir (Köseler, 2009). Öte yandan, masal kitaplarında da erkekler genellikle kurtaran kadınlar ise kurtarılan olarak tasvir edilmiştir. Kadının kahramanlık motifi ile anlatıldığı masallarda ise babanın yaşlanması ve erkek çocuğun olmaması sabit ön koşuldur. Masallardaki cadılar ya çok çirkindir ya da çok güzeldir. Masallardaki yüceltme de aşağılama da dişilik özellikleri üzerinden yapılmaktadır (Sezer, 2010). Ayrıca, öykü kitaplarında kızların edilgen ve çoğunlukla ev işleri ile uğraşan, erkekler için yemek pişiren, temizlik yapan ve erkeğin yolunu gözleyen şekilde tasvir edildikleri; erkeklerin ise savaşçı, polis, yargıç, kral olarak betimlendiğini belirlenmiştir (Giddens, 2008).
Bu bağlamda, bu araştırmanın temel amacı; yerli ve çeviri çocuk kitaplarında dil dışı öğelerin toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini sunuş biçimine göre incelemektir. Resimli çocuk kitaplarını toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini ele alış şekilleri açısından iki farklı şekilde ele almak mümkündür.
Bunlar; kitapların metin özellikleri ve resimleridir. Bu çalışmada çocuk kitaplarının resimleme (dildışı) öğelerine odaklanılmıştır.
En çok tercih edilen yerli ve çeviri çocuk kitaplarının toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini sunuş biçimlerinde, resimler incelenerek karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Araştırmada hem kitapçılarla iletişime geçilerek hem de internet üzerinden ‘’çok satan” listesi araştırılarak liste oluşturulmuştur. 2006-2018 yılları arasında 3-6 yaş grubu en çok satılan yerli ve çeviri yayın evlerine ait kitaplar ele alınarak 85 yerli 120 çeviri kitap olmak üzere toplamda 205 kitap ile çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi benimsenmiş olup çalışma nitel araştırma modelleri içerisinden temel nitel araştırma modeli ile desenlenmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak ‘’Çocuk kitaplarında toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri kontrol listesi” hazırlanmıştır. Kontrol listesi bu alanda çalışılmış yerli, yabancı araştırmalardan oluşan literatür taranarak oluşturulmuş ve uzman görüşleri alınmıştır. Kontrol listesinde meslek, giysi, renkler, aksesuar, fiziksel özellikler, eylemler, duygular gibi maddeler yer almaktadır. Verilen analizinde içerik analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Her kitaptan elde edilen veriler araştırmacı tarafından oluşturulan kontrol listesine kaydedilmiş ve yüzde ile frekans dağılımları hesaplanmıştır.
Çalışmada yerli ve çeviri çocuk kitaplarında toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini sunuş biçiminde, dil dışı öğelerin cinsiyetçi gösterildiği tespit edilmiştir. Yerli ve çeviri çocuk kitaplarında, meslekler, giysiler, fiziksel özellikler, oyun ve oyuncaklar, konumlandırılma, eylemler ve birlikte gösterilme durumlarında geleneksel cinsiyet rollerinin devam ettirildiği, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanmasında henüz yeterince eşitlikçi bir bakış açısının sunulmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Books are one of the most important and effective educational materials used in children’s education. Children's books are known to be an effective tool in child's cognitive, affective and psychomotor development process. Illustrated children's books support children’s social development as well as contributing to their mental and linguistic development. Thanks to books, children have the opportunity to learn about the world. In the period when children learn life by playing, good literary books allow for natural living environments that enhance children’s socialization, linguistic skills and creativity as well as their cognitive learning. The plot, which is very effective for children to understand a phenomenon or event, is used very often in books, thus providing children with some kind of social learning. Children learn culture, diversity, differences and gender roles through books. The characters reflected in the books give direction to children. The gender roles presented through the characters in the book are very significant at this point. Children often identify with the characters in the books and learn how to be a woman and a man. In the literature review, many books published in Turkey and abroad show that there were similar sexist stereotypes. It is generally seen that the working life of women is limited and their professional roles are underestimated in the stories and fairy tales; female figures are often portrayed in the home and in the role of mothers who care for children, while girls help mothers in the kitchen or clean the house, while boys help mothers in shopping (Köseler, 2009). On the other hand, in fairy tale books, men are generally described as rescuing women and women as rescued. In fairy tales where the woman is told with the heroic motive, the aging of the father and the absence of a male child is a constant prerequisite. Witches in fairy tales are either ugly or very beautiful. The exaltation and humiliation in fairy tales are done by referring to female characteristics (Sezer, 2010). In addition, in the story books, the girls were portrayed as passive and mostly engaged in household chores, cooking for boys, cleaning and watching the boy's way whereas men were described as warriors, policemen, judges and king (Giddens, 2008). In this context, the main purpose of this research is to examine gender roles according to presentation of non-linguistic elements in native and translated children's books. Illustrated children's books can be handled in two different ways in terms of how they deal with gender roles. These are text features and pictures in the books. This study focuses on the illustrative (non-linguistic) elements of children's books. The most preferred native and translated children's books were compared in terms of presentation of gender roles by examining the illustrations. In this research, the list was formed by contacting the bookstores and searching the best seller list on the internet. The best-selling native and translated books for 3-6 aged, which was published between 2006- 2018 , were examined, and a total of 205 books including 85 native and 120 translated books were used for this study. Qualitative research method was adopted in the study, and the basic qualitative research model was used. In the research, “gender roles checklist in children's books” was prepared as data collection tool. The checklist was prepared by reviewing the literature consisting of both Turkish and foreign studies and expert opinions were obtained. The checklist includes items such as occupations, clothing, colours, accessories, physical characteristics, actions, and emotions. Content analysis technique was used in the given analysis. Data obtained from each book were recorded in the checklist created by the researcher and percentage and frequency distributions were calculated. In the study, it was found that, in the presentation of gender roles, non-linguistic elements used in both native and translated children's books were sexist. It was concluded that, in both native and translated children's books, traditional gender roles are perpetuated in the presentation of occupations, clothes, physical characteristics, games and toys, positioning, actions and showing together, and there is not yet a sufficient egalitarian perspective established in these books to achieve gender equality.
Books are one of the most important and effective educational materials used in children’s education. Children's books are known to be an effective tool in child's cognitive, affective and psychomotor development process. Illustrated children's books support children’s social development as well as contributing to their mental and linguistic development. Thanks to books, children have the opportunity to learn about the world. In the period when children learn life by playing, good literary books allow for natural living environments that enhance children’s socialization, linguistic skills and creativity as well as their cognitive learning. The plot, which is very effective for children to understand a phenomenon or event, is used very often in books, thus providing children with some kind of social learning. Children learn culture, diversity, differences and gender roles through books. The characters reflected in the books give direction to children. The gender roles presented through the characters in the book are very significant at this point. Children often identify with the characters in the books and learn how to be a woman and a man. In the literature review, many books published in Turkey and abroad show that there were similar sexist stereotypes. It is generally seen that the working life of women is limited and their professional roles are underestimated in the stories and fairy tales; female figures are often portrayed in the home and in the role of mothers who care for children, while girls help mothers in the kitchen or clean the house, while boys help mothers in shopping (Köseler, 2009). On the other hand, in fairy tale books, men are generally described as rescuing women and women as rescued. In fairy tales where the woman is told with the heroic motive, the aging of the father and the absence of a male child is a constant prerequisite. Witches in fairy tales are either ugly or very beautiful. The exaltation and humiliation in fairy tales are done by referring to female characteristics (Sezer, 2010). In addition, in the story books, the girls were portrayed as passive and mostly engaged in household chores, cooking for boys, cleaning and watching the boy's way whereas men were described as warriors, policemen, judges and king (Giddens, 2008). In this context, the main purpose of this research is to examine gender roles according to presentation of non-linguistic elements in native and translated children's books. Illustrated children's books can be handled in two different ways in terms of how they deal with gender roles. These are text features and pictures in the books. This study focuses on the illustrative (non-linguistic) elements of children's books. The most preferred native and translated children's books were compared in terms of presentation of gender roles by examining the illustrations. In this research, the list was formed by contacting the bookstores and searching the best seller list on the internet. The best-selling native and translated books for 3-6 aged, which was published between 2006- 2018 , were examined, and a total of 205 books including 85 native and 120 translated books were used for this study. Qualitative research method was adopted in the study, and the basic qualitative research model was used. In the research, “gender roles checklist in children's books” was prepared as data collection tool. The checklist was prepared by reviewing the literature consisting of both Turkish and foreign studies and expert opinions were obtained. The checklist includes items such as occupations, clothing, colours, accessories, physical characteristics, actions, and emotions. Content analysis technique was used in the given analysis. Data obtained from each book were recorded in the checklist created by the researcher and percentage and frequency distributions were calculated. In the study, it was found that, in the presentation of gender roles, non-linguistic elements used in both native and translated children's books were sexist. It was concluded that, in both native and translated children's books, traditional gender roles are perpetuated in the presentation of occupations, clothes, physical characteristics, games and toys, positioning, actions and showing together, and there is not yet a sufficient egalitarian perspective established in these books to achieve gender equality.
Çocuk Edebiyatı, Dildışı Öğeler, Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Okul Öncesi Dönem, Gender Roles, Children's Books, Non-Verbal Components, Preschool Period