Publication: Synthesis And Optimization Of Louver-Driving Mechanism For Innovative Daylighting System In Deepplan Building
Mahdavinejad, Mohammadjavad
Mohammadi, Sahar
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Optimum usage of daylight plays a an importatnt role in high-performance architecture and planning.
Innovative daylighting systems in contemporary buildings can produce various benefits such as
maximizing daylight penetration, optimizing visual comfort and reducing energy consumption. This paper
is to develop a new louver-driving mechanism to optimize adoption of daylight in deep-plan building in
order to meet requirements of high-performance architecture. Methodology of the paper emphasize on a
experimental and quasiexperimental approach for examination of different types of louver-driving
mechanism. The greater city of Tehran adopted as case study of the paper. The main goal is based on
searching standards to better louver design in order to optimize energy demands by using this shading
device. Thus 45 different cases with different louver width and angles and different louvers’ distance
from façade were chosen to analysis.Visual comfort and energy efficiency are analysed in an integrated
approach. Moreover the combination of daylight and energy performances has always been an issue, as
different software packages are needed to perform detailed calculations. A simplified method to overcome
both issues using recent advances in software integration is explored here. All daylight, thermal and glare
analysis were done in DIVA plug-in for Rhinoceros/Grasshopper which has ability to effectively calculate
daylight metrics (using the Radiance/Daysim engine) and energy consumption (using the EnergyPlus
engine). It can be concluded from experiments that generally, the various size of the louvers were not
much different from each other and custom sizes can be selected according to the plan but any alteration
in louver’s angle and distance from façade were followed by changes in lighting and thermal load of
room. In the case of the using fixed louver in design in Tehran’s climate, distance between 0 and 13
centimeters and angle between 22.5 to 45 degrees are introduced as the optimum mode.