Owa, ShigeyoshiYAVUZ, EMEL2019-05-132019-05-1320191https://hdl.handle.net/11413/4725Let A(n) be the class of functions f(z) = a(n)z(n) + a(n+1)z(n+1) +...(n is an element of N), which are analytic in the open unit disk U, where a(n) not equal 0. For f(z) is an element of A(n), Miller and Mocanu in 1978 showed a very interesting result for f(z). Applying the result due to Miller and Mocanu, we would like to consider some new results for such functions. Our results in this paper are generalizations for results by Nunokawa in 1992.en-USAnalytic FunctionThe Class S(n,alpha)The Class K(n,alpha)Notes on certain analytic functionsArticle4561880000224561880000222-s2.0-850616379132-s2.0-85061637913