Küçük, Bernakahyaoğlu, İrem2014-09-232014-09-232013-042146-5193http://hdl.handle.net/11413/793It’s a well-known fact that “globalization” is one of the most important concepts of our time. This concept can be defined as a notion uniting different people and cultures around the world. Globalization contains others concepts for completing itself. The most important concept from these concepts is “localization”. Globalization and localization that complete each other, to appear suddenly in front of individuals by using daily life, politics or art and also influence individuals in many ways. In this study, the cultural signs used in the cinema of Ferzan Özpetek –turkish and also italian director- will be analyzed in the context of globalization and localization.trGlobalizationlocalizationCinemaCultural SignSymbolsValuesTraditionsFerzan ÖzpetekKüreselleşmeYerelleştirmeSinemaSembollerDeğerlerGeleneklerYerellik Öğeleri İçinde Küreselleşen Yönetmen: Ferzan ÖzpetekArticle