Yesevi, Çağla Gül2020-03-102020-03-102020-04 system is related to places linked by flow and counter flows of people. System has been defined by communications from migrants to potential migrants. These linkages between migrants are important for further moves. It has been affecting not only trade flows and economic conditions but also it has been giving potential migrants courage, confidence and comfort and it has been ensuring community solidarity. Moreover, they have had information about the culture of the receiving country, living conditions, migration procedures. Therefore, they may have had some expectations related to the future of their families. Potential migrants have become familiar with rules and regulation of receiving country (Fawcett, J. T. 1989) through these migration networks. Massey (1993) states that migrant networks are sets of interpersonal ties that connect migrants, former migrants, and nonmigrants in origin and destination areas through ties of kinship, friendship, and shared community origin. Migrant networks decline costs and risks. One of the migration theories is Network Theory. This theory has been giving importance to social relations. Network theory has been used in a research project which has been dealing with migration of 1930s from Soviet Turkestan to Afghanistan. In-depth interviewing method has been used in this research. Migrants and their families were interviewed; 69 people were interviewed. Interviews were used to data collection and analyzed with the help of network theory. In the project, it was understood that actually, this migration has been continuing. These families have migrated from Afghanistan to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the US. Interviews have revealed that migration networks are influential in this migration.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States SystemNetwork TheoryTurkestanMigrationGöç SistemiAğ TeorisiTürkistanGöçMigration system and network theoryconferenceObject