Göksu, İdrisAslan, AlperKarakuş, Türkan2016-04-252016-04-252016-01http://hdl.handle.net/11413/1142The aim of this study is to investigate digital games with respect to sociocultural aspects and examine whether they are influenced by social and cultural events. In total, 14 digital games were studied by the researchers through documentation analysis. Results showed that sociocultural factors and current events were heavily featured in games from 2002-2004, while 2012-2014 games highlighted social interaction, natural environments of the world, and exceptional, action-packed events. This study is valuable for revealing how games reflect sociocultural changes over time.en-USDigital gamessocio-cultural issuescontent analysisgame scenariopopular gamesDijital oyunlarsosyokültürel unsurlariçerik analizioyun senaryosupopüler oyunlarChanges In Sociocultural Representations In Popular Digital GamesArticle