Yusupu, ReziwanguliSiyez, Diğdem MügeKAYA, ALİM2023-04-142023-04-142022Yusupu, R., Siyez, D. M. ve Kaya, A. (2022). The Uyghurian version of the KA-SI empathic tendency scale-adolescent form: validity and reliability. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi, 11(1), 374-383.https://hdl.handle.net/11413/8455The aim of this study was to examine the factorial validity, measurement invariance across sex, and reliability of a Uyghurian version of the KA-SI Empathic Tendency Scale-Adolescent Form (KA-SI AF) among adolescents in Xinjiang, China. A total of 331 middle and high school students (198 girls, 133 boys) were included in the sample. Research data was collected via KA-SI AF and demographic questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a two-dimensional structure (cognitive and emotional). Multi-group CFA supported measurement invariance across sex groups. The Uyghur form of KA-SI AF yielded excellent reliability values from .84 to .90. Findings suggest that Uyghur version of the KA-SI AF was valid and reliable measure of empathic tendency suitable for middle and high school students.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEmpathic Tendency ScaleValidityReliabilityUyghurian VersionThe Uyghurian Version of the KA-SI Empathic Tendency Scale-Adolescent Form: Validity and ReliabilityKA-SI Empatik Eğilim Ölçeği-Ergen Formu’nun Uygurca Versiyonu: Geçerlik ve GüvenirlikArticle2147-0146828