Browsing İKÜ Güncesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri / Journal of İstanbul Kültür University Science and Engineering by Subject "A.M.S konusu sınıflandırma birincil 30C45"
(İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2004-01) Bolcal, Metin; Şen, Arzu; POLATOĞLU, YAŞAR
Janowski' s starlike functions of complex order and hove power series of the forrn
f(z)--=z + a ,.,zp•I + a1P., z2p+I + …
wehere p = 1,2,3,... are shown to satisfy the relation f(z) = ([g ( z ) ] where g(z) is Jonowski' s starlike fuoctions of complex order with power series g(z) = Z + b2 Z2 + b3 Z3 + .., .Distortion results and Koebe domains are obtained.