İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölümü / Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
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Publication Open Access An Analytical Approach to Identify Design Criteria for Reducing Earthquake Risks in Residential Interiors(Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Faculty of Architecture, 2023) Garip, S. Banu; Garip, Ervin; Birgönül, Zeynep; GÜZELCİ, HANDANA vital measure to prevent earthquake risks is to retrofit existing buildings or design and construct resistant structures. After increasing the earthquake resistance of buildings, measures taken in building interiors comes to the forefront. In the scope of this study, comprehensive analytical research is conducted to identify the criteria for reducing earthquake risks in the design of residential interior spaces. Reviewing the literature of both national and international publications using the keywords and phrases “Earthquake and Interior Design” “Earthquake and Furniture Design”, “Earthquake and Architectural Design”, “Earthquake and Materials”, “Precautions for Earthquake Damages”, “Earthquake Psychology” is employed as a method. In the next step, criteria extracted from the content analysis are categorized, analyzed and evaluated systematically. Together with this research, a set of measures to reduce earthquake risks for the interior design of residential interiors was presented. It also includes risks and strategies related to categorized interior elements, which designers can use in the design process. Many people could be inside residences, where most daily life is spent during an earthquake. This describes the study’s widespread impact. The design criteria presented are expected to be a source that includes a set of categorized data with a holistic approach to reduce risks, leading to safe design, and ensuring up-to-date continuity of knowledge for future designs.Publication Open Access Design Principles and Concept Research in “Interior Architecture Design Studio I” During the Pandemic Period(Nilay ÖZSAVAŞ ULUÇAY, 2022) Kasap, Handan Özsırkıntı; ALTIN, ELİF; Erhene, Ayşe İpekThis research was conducted during Covid 19 Pandemic -when University Education was provided online- as a part of the Design Studio I course for the first-year students of the Interior Architecture Department of Maltepe University, Faculty of Architecture, and Design in the 2020-2021 Academic Year. 62 students participated in this study. In the study in which the empirical research method was used, semi-structured, and closed-ended interview technique was used to analyze the design education, and design principles approaches to the students along with demographic questions. For this purpose, a written interview form consisting of 25 questions was sent. The data conveying the design preferences showing the self-report scales obtained with the natural observation method were tabulated with the qualitative research method. As a result of this study, it was observed that the students were introduced to the concept of design for the first time during their university years. It was determined that they had difficulty in understanding the concept of design in the first stage of distance education, and then they showed improvement. Despite this, it was determined that as their experience increased thanks to course applications, and discussions, their perceptions of the course content also improved.Publication Restricted Design Tactics for Enhancing the Adaptability of Primary and Middle Schools to the New Needs of Postpandemic Reuse(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2021) Sen Bayram, Asena Kumsal; Alaçam, Sema; GÜZELCİ, HANDAN; Akkuyu, Elif Işık; Sencan, İnanç; GÜZELCİ, ORKAN ZEYNELPurpose - The aim of this study is to present design tactics (DTs) for supporting the adaptability of existing primary and middle school buildings into the emerging needs of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The study introduces a novel algorithmic model for postoccupancy evaluation of the existing school buildings and provides solutions to enhance the adaptability of these buildings. Design/methodology/approach - This study employs the DTs defined by the authors, integration of DTs to the algorithmic model and tests the usability of the proposed model in the selected sample set. The sample set consists of four primary and middle school buildings with different architectural qualities. The degrees of flexibility of the existing sample set are evaluated depending on the outcomes of the implementation. Findings - The degrees of flexibility are achieved as a result of execution of the algorithmic model for each selected school building. Initial results of the case studies show that the flexibility of a school building is highly related to affordances and design decisions of the plan layout which were considered in the initial phases of the design process. Architectural qualities such as open plan and having sufficient voids in the interior and exterior space become prominent factors for ensuring flexibility. Originality/value - Developing a systematic approach to the adaptation problem of primary and middle school buildings to postpandemic reuse is a novel research topic. Apart from this contextual originality, the proposed taxonomy for postpandemic reuse in terms of three levels of adaptation is a new conceptual framework. Moreover, the proposPublication Open Access Environmental Cues: A Methodology for Studying Meaning in Built Environment(Deniz Yengin, 2019) TOSUN, VEHBİThe interest in culture and built environment relations has received a growing attention during the last decades. The culture and built environment relations are more crucial when changes in both are more rapid and excessive since such changes can severely threaten continuity in the built environment and culture and may have undesirable physical, social and culturel consequences. Environmental cues which communicate meanings at different levels are very helpful in studying culture and built environment relations as well as changes in both them across different areas and over time. Than the task is, how one can study what they communicate, how they communicate, which are the most important ones, how one can analyze those cues and what meanings they communicate to the local and other people. In this paper the theoretical framework as well as the model for analyzing changes in culture and the built environment is established. Research methods and the procedures are discussed in detail and a comprehensive research methodology for analyzing the culture and built environment relations via environmental cues is proposed. The proposed approach can be used for different environments, at different scales as well as in incorporating the values, meanings and lifestyles of the different user groups, in designing the new.Publication Open Access An Evaluation on the Effects of Language-Literature and History-Museum Branches of Community-Houses on Cultural Heritage of Turkey(Deniz Yengin, 2019) AKBAŞ, GAMZECommunity Houses are important institutions that operate for public awareness with the establishmentof the Republic of Turkey. In this context, it is aimed to discuss the activities of the CommunityHouses for protection of our cultural heritage through “Language and Literature” and “History andMuseum” branches. The aim of the study is to offer an evaluation, which contributes to the activitiesof both branches, basing the role of Community Houses upon protection of our tangible and intangiblecultural assets. While examining public knowledge and linguistic issues as part of duties andresponsibilities of the “Language and Literature” branch, studies on excavation, conference, museumbuilding, restoration and preservation of ancient monuments were analysed by the “History andMuseum” branch. In this direction, a literature review was made on cultural heritage studies that hadbeen carried out by the Community Houses until 1951, predominantly between 1933 and 1935. Wehave reached some information demonstrating that people realized the importance of the culturalinventory and adopted the consciousness of protecting the national values and studies on art, history,archeology increased. It has been determined that the “Language and Literature” branch tried to instila consciousness of national culture and emphasize the language issue throughout the country.Excavations, ethnography and historical researches have been carried out with the works of the“History and Museum” branch.Publication Open Access Exploring the Critical Risk Factors of Public-Private Partnership City Hospital Projects in Turkey(MDPI, 2024) Doğan Erdem, Tuğba; BİRGÖNÜL, ZEYNEP; Bilgin, Gözde; Akçay, Emre CanerGovernments face challenges in delivering essential public services due to their limited funds. This has led to an increasing reliance on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, an alternative financing model involving a long-term collaboration between the private and public sectors to provide public services. Turkey, as a developing country facing financial limitations, has embraced the PPP model to address urgent public needs. Over the past decade, the Turkish Government has extensively utilized the PPP model, particularly in executing city hospital projects. However, investors have faced challenges in project execution due to various risk factors. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to explore the critical risk factors associated with PPP city hospital projects in Turkey. In this context, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify potential risks related to PPP city hospital projects. A questionnaire survey was implemented to assess the probability of occurrence and the severity of the impact of these risk factors. The collected data underwent analysis to determine the priority of these risk factors. The findings revealed that the top five most critical risk factors in PPP city hospital projects in Turkey are "foreign exchange rate fluctuations", "inflation rate volatility", "high finance costs", "fiscal issues", and "economic crises". Conversely, "unavailability of equipment" was identified as the least significant risk factor. The insights gained from this research can offer valuable guidance for prospective investors interested in participating in PPP city hospital projects in Turkey and other developing countries with similar conditions.Publication Open Access İç Mimarlıkta Enformel Ortamların Tarihsel Arkaplanı(Deniz Yengin, 2020) ÖZBEK, DERYA ADIGÜZELİç mimarlık eğitiminin amacı, öğrencilere mevcut veya var olması planlanan bir yapının olanaklarını ve sınırlarını keşfederek bilgiyi, mekân tasarımına dönüştürebilecek yetkinliği kazandırmaktır. Mesleki yetkinlikle birlikte eğitimin diğer hedefi; entelektüel, sorumluluk duygusuna ve etik değerlere sahip iç mimarlar yetiştirmektir. Böylesi bir eğitim ortamı için öğreten ve öğrenenin karşılıklı iletişimi, çok yönlü gelişime açık olmaları ve kendilerini devamlı yenileyebilmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu gereklilikler düşünüldüğünde iç mimarlık disiplini için deneyime dayalı, esnek ve yaratıcı alanlar sunan enformel ortamlar önem kazanmaktadır. Enformel ortamlar, sundukları deneyim ortamı ile iç mimarlıktaki güncel konuları tartışmaya açmaktadır. Bu ortamlar, iç mimarlık alanındaki beklentiler, eğitimde öne çıkan olgular, o dönemin güncel konuları, mesleğe ilişkin yürütülen çalışmalar hakkında önemli bilgiler içerir. Kapsamları ile enformel ortamlar, iç mimarlık meslek paydaşlarını birleştiren bir alan yaratmakta, aynı zamanda da iç mimarlık tarihine ilişkin belge niteliği taşımaktadır. Çalışmada, doğrudan iç mimarlık ile ilişkili enformel ortamlarının tarihsel arka planı okunmaktadır. Etkinliklerin düzenlenme tarihi, mesleğin ve eğitimin yapılandırılmasına ilişkin neler söylediği, akademisyen ve öğrenci iletişimiyle ilgili neler içerdiği ve hangi kavramların öne çıktığı ortaya konmaktadır. Bu kapsamları ile çalışmanın çıktıları, hem iç mimarlığın tarih yazımına katkı sağlamakta, hem de gelecekte düzenlenecek etkinlikler için rehber niteliği taşımaktadır. Sonuçta, iç mimarlık eğitim ve meslek alanının, enformel ortamlar açısında tarihsel inşasının kaydı tutulmaktadır.Publication Open Access Ormanlar Gibi Sürdürülebilir ve Dirençli Şehirler Tasarlanabilir Mi?(Deniz Yengin, 2021) KARABETÇA, ALİYE RAHŞANDoğadaki her organizma birbirini gözetmek suretiyle fonksiyoneldir. Her bir organizma bir diğerinisimbiyotik bir ilişki ve/veya form-fonksiyon bağlamında destekler. Örneğin, bazı tür ağaçlaryapraklarını dökerek enerji ve su tasarrufu sağlayarak ağır kış şartları için hazırlık yapar; aynı zamandabu dökülen yapraklar topraktaki mikroorganizmalar ve mantarlar için önemli birer besin kaynağı halinedönüşür. Doğa ile yapılacak bu tür yaklaşımlar, tasarımların fonksiyonel çözümler üreterek daha iyiyapılı çevreler tasarlanmasına önemli ölçüde yardımcı olabilir ve yadsınamaz bir katkı sağlayabilir.Bu çalışma, doğanın bünyesinde dirençli şehirler tasarlayabilmek için sonsuz çözümler ve fikirlerbarındırdığını bilimsel bir açıdan incelemektedir. Bu çözümlerin ortaya konabilmesi içinbaşvurulabilecek önemli bir araştırma yöntemi vardır; biyomimikri. Bu bağlamda, çalışmanın araştırmametodolojisi kapsamında biyomimikrinin bir tasarım stratejisi olarak kullanılması amaçlanmıştır.Biyomimikri, biyoloji kullanılarak doğadaki tasarım örneklerinin ortaya çıkarılmasında başvurulanbirinci disiplindir. Bu örnekler, ormanların yapısal sağlamlıklarını, biyo-iklimsel özeliklerini, işlevselmorfolojilerini ve diğer önemli özelliklerini ortay koymak için bilimsel birer araştırma alanı olarakdeğerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, dirençli ve sürdürülebilir şehirler için en önemli örnek olanormanların doğal ve sürdürülebilir birer çevre olduklarını, aynı zamanda barındırdıkları tümorganizmalar için en uygun yaşama alanlarını oluşturabilecek kapasiteye sahip olduklarını bilimselolarak ispatlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda konunun anlaşılırolması adına seçilmiş bazı örnek tasarımlar ve yöntemler önerilmiştir.Publication Open Access Pandemi ile Evde Yaşam: Covid-19 Süreci ve Sonrası İçin Konut Tasarım Stratejileri(Yildiz Technical Univ., 2022) ÖZBEK, DERYA ADIGÜZEL; Eke, Armağan Seçil MelikoğluMakalenin temel amacı, koronavirüs hastalığı-19 (COVID-19) pandemi sürecinde evlerde yaşanan değişim ve dönüşümlerin sorgulandığı araştırma süreci sonunda, mevcut konut stokunun kullanım olanakları ve yeni yapılacak konutlar için ortaya konulan tasarım stratejilerini tartışmaya açmaktır. Bu doğrultuda, COVID-19 sürecinin evlerde neden olduğu değişimler, talepler ve beklentiler nitel ve nicel araştırma tekniklerinin bir arada diyalektik bir yapı içinde kullanıldığı araştırma tasarımı ile sorgulanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar bütüncül olarak analiz edilerek, mevcut konut stokunun kullanım olanakları ve yeni yapılacak konutlar için tasarım stratejileri geliştirilmiştir. Tasarım stratejileri farklı olasılıkları ve olanakları tartışmaya imkân vermesi için kurgulanan üç adet Ev + [COVID] çalıştayı kapsamında geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalıştaylarda öğrenciler tarafından, mekâna müdahale biçimleri, çoklu kullanım senaryoları, hijyen sistemleri ve iç-dış ilişki çözümleri olmak üzere dört tasarım stratejisi, tasarım önerilerine dönüştürülmüştür. Tasarım stratejilerinin odağına baktığımızda pandemi öncesi konutta mobilya ve dekorasyon düzeyinde kalan kullanıcı müdahalelerinin kapsamının genişletilmesine ihtiyaç duyulduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Kullanıcının ihtiyaç duyduğu değişikliği yapmasını olanaklı kılacak düzeyde dönüştürülebilir ve değiştirilebilir sistemsel çözümlere gereksinim vardır. Araştırmadan tasarım stratejisine uzanan bu çalışma ile araştırma sonuçları konut tasarım ve üretim alanı için uygulanabilir tasarım stratejilerine dönüştürülmüştür. Çalışma ile konut tasarımına odaklanan profesyonel uygulayıcılar için bu kapsamda ortaya konulan bilgiler bir rehber niteliği taşımakta, tasarım stratejileri konut tasarım ve uygulamasına yön verme potansiyeli taşımaktadır.Publication Metadata only A Pedagogical Model to Integrate Computational Thinking Logic to First Year Design Studio(IGI Global, 2021) ÇETİNEL, MELTEM; GÜZELCİ, ORKAN ZEYNELToday, computational thinking and computational design approaches transform almost all stages of architectural practice and education. In this context, since students are most likely to encounter computers, in this study, the approach of teaching students computational design logic is adopted instead of teaching how to use computers only as a drafting or representation tool. This study focuses on developing a pedagogical model that aims to teach computational thinking logic and analog computing through a design process. The proposed model consists of four modules as follows: abstraction of music and text (Module 1), decomposition of buildings (Module 2), analysis of body-space (Module 3), design of a space by the help of spatial patterns (Module 4). The proposed model is applied to first-year students in Interior Design Studio in the 2019-2020 fall semester. As a result of Module 4, students designed both anticipated and unanticipated spaces in an algorithmic way.Publication Metadata only The Relationship Between Professional Practice and Architectural Education in Turkey(IGI Global, 2024) ARSLAN, MEHMET EMRE; Ceylan, SalihOne of the biggest challenges in architectural education is its necessity to adapt to a continuously evolving professional environment. In many countries, professional organizations such as chambers of architects and educational institutions work together to come up with various strategies and formulae that strength¬en the bond between the two. However, the rigid system imposed to the higher education institutions in Turkey hinders architecture schools to propose effective strategies for creating such bonds. Historical research on the topic indicates that this bond has become weaker in time. Currently, concerns reflect on the opinions of various stakeholders. As a result, there are various comments on architectural education to become more sufficient for the professional environment. This chapter aims to draw a framework for the relationship between education and practice in Turkey. It elaborates on the past, present and the future of the relationship from local and global perspectives. © 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved.Publication Open Access Space Creating Strategies of Alternative Communities: A Comparative Study of Drop City and Si̇eben Linden Ecovillage(Deniz Yengin, 2021) Tuncel, Didem Bedük; EKE, ARMAĞAN SEÇİL MELİKOĞLUAccording to the United Nations (UN) statistics, more then 55% of the population on earth live in urbanareas. These urban areas are one of the main reasons for increasing global warming and climate crisis.The danger of this crisis will be reduced by increasing the contribution of units forming sustainableliving spaces and common alternative living spaces. In this research, it is aimed to determine thestrategies of man's creation of space by querying through the created alternative living spaces. Thesestrategies, which constitute the essence and originality of the work, are handled within a framework thatextends from the thinking and lifestyle of the community to the possibilities of the environment in whichthe living space is located. In the scope of the study, one of the first alternative communities of the 60'sthat is Drop City and an ongoing eco-village of the 90's that is Sieben Linden Ecovillage samples wereinvestigated through the era they were in, the kind of design trends that effected them, ecologicalprinciples they considered and as a consequence; kind of living spaces they created. The study is doneaccording to combined strategies using case study and logical argumentation research methods together.Publication Restricted Student and Tutor Perceptions of the Pedagogical Potential and Challenges of Design Jury as an Assessment Method(Sage Publications Ltd., 2022) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Tunalı, Sevinç; ÇETİNEL, MELTEMThis article examines the pedagogical potential and challenges of the design jury as an assessment method from the perceptions of the tutor/jury member and the design students. It aims to gain an understanding of the factors that create opportunities for, and barriers to, the promotion of learning in the design jury. It inquires the possible contributions of the jury into formative evaluation processes in design education. The results show that (1) the communication modalities, and (2) the evaluation criteria influence the way tutors and students perceive design jury as a pedagogical method. While the hierarchy between the jury member and the student creates a barrier to constructive feedback, a balance between formative and summative evaluations is essential in the design jury. Transparency of evaluation criteria decreases design students' concern for grade. The design jury could also serve for formative evaluation. A student-centred approach to design jury engenders experiences of deep learning.Publication Open Access Undergraduate Architecture Students’ Perceptions of the Reasons for Their Choice(s) of Profession(Handan Deveci, 2021) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Tunalı, Sevinç; ÇETİNEL, MELTEMThis study aims to analyze the factors, driven by intrinsic and/or extrinsic motivations, that affect the students’ choice(s) of profession before entering the school of architecture and to reveal how the participants’ perceptions of their “self-efficacy” about becoming an architect altered in parallel to the skills they acquire during their professional education. The research, based on the qualitative research methodology, is undertaken in a Bachelor of Architecture degree program in a private university in Istanbul and the data was collected through the participation of 40 undergraduate architecture students from different class levels. The data collection procedures covered four recorded focus group interviews with students at different class levels and the interview transcriptions were analyzed through qualitative content analysis. The results regarding the reasons for studying architecture has revealed that the participants are influenced by (1) their self-perceptions, which overlap with the profession-related qualities and (2) the influence of their social environment and families. It is shown that the professional education that the participants have received has improved their design skills and supported their self-efficacy beliefs in this regard, but made them feel insufficient about technical-practical skills. The research findings have implications for the students who think to study architecture, the secondary education teachers, and the administrators and instructors of schools of architecture for various reasons: by uncovering the interrelated dynamics and requirements of the architectural profession and education, these findings may guide the attempts to choose a profession compatible with individuals’ capabilities and orientations and to structure a balanced architectural curriculum.