Pelikülden Dijitale Sinemada Seyir Kültürü Ve Seyircinin Değişen Konumu

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Öz - Taş, Perihan

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The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication

Research Projects

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In parallel with technological advances, the rapidly changing nature of the motion picture where each new mode of production brings with it a new kind of viewership. Each new kind of viewership leads to the re-definition of the cinema audience. Before digital technology was developed and took over, the relationship between the audience and film was passive; with the passage to digital technology, however, this situation changed, and the audience took on a more active role, becoming “subject”. In the development of digital technology, television, video, 3-D cinema and “interactive cinema” the position of the audience gradually shifted, thus the need for new definitions. Audiences today are no longer “just anyone in the crowd” – which was the case during the film era. Now, they hold a much more active role; they have become an “interactive cinema audience”. However, it is important to reflect on the changed viewership and see how an active audience positiong hasd influence the experience of watching a film. The aim of this study is to look at the changing production structure of cinema and see how digitalization has influenced viewership.



Cinema, Viewing, Audience, Digitalization, Sinema, Seyretmek, İzleyici, Dijitalleşme
