Publication: Vampir figürünün sinema ve dizi filmlerde uyarlanması Türkiye örneği:Yaşamayanlar
Şakrak, Bilgehan Ece
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Edebiyat, hiç kuşkusuz ki hem sinemanın hem de televizyonun modern dünya insanının
hayatına girdiği ilk zamanlardan bugüne kadar, teknolojiyle birlikte sürekli ilerleyen bu iki
mecra için üretilen kurmaca yapımların beslendiği en önemli kaynaklarından biridir.
Vampirler ise yüzyıllardan beri hem sözlü, hem yazılı, hem de görsel-işitsel sanatların korku
türüyle özdeşleşen en ikonik imgelerden birisidir. Vampirlerle ilgili çok geniş bir yazınsal
alan bulunmasına rağmen Bram Stoker’ın 1896’da yazdığı ünlü romanı Dracula, belki de
sinema ve televizyon için uyarlamasının en çok yapıldığı romandır. Bu nedenle Dracula’nın
vampir anlatısının büyük ölçüde karakteristiğini oluşturduğunu söylemek yanlış
Bu çalışmada, Dracula’nın vampir miti içindeki yerine değinilmiş; sinema ve televizyondaki
vampir mitiyle ilgili birçok uyarlamanın karakteristiğini oluşturan Dracula’yı esas alan
örneklere yer verilmiş; korku, canavar ve kurban ilişkisi “ötekilik” üzerinden
değerlendirilmiştir. Bu kuramsal çerçeve dâhilinde, Dracula’ya dayanan vampir anlatısının,
Türkiye’de Eylül 2018- Ekim 2018 tarihleri arasında toplam sekiz bölümden oluşan yerli
vampir dizi filmi Yaşamayanlar’daki dönüşümü incelenmiştir.
Literature is undoubtedly one of the most important sources of fictional productions produced for these two channels, which are constantly advancing along with technology, from the early times when both cinema and television entered the life of the modern world people. Vampires have been one of the most iconic images that have been identified with the horror genre of both oral, written, and audio-visual arts for centuries. Although there is a very large literary field about vampires, Bram Stoker's famous novel Dracula, written in 1896, is perhaps the most adapted novel for cinema and television. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that Dracula constitutes largely the characteristic of vampire narrative. In this study, the place of Dracula in the vampire myth is mentioned; examples based on Dracula, which constitute the characteristics of many adaptations about vampire myth in cinema and television are given; the relationship between fear, monster and victim is evaluated in relation to “otherness”. In this theoretical frame, Turkish vampire serial Yaşamayanlar, released in September 2018-October 2018 as eight episodes, is examined in the meaning of transformation of vampire narrative based on Dracula.
Literature is undoubtedly one of the most important sources of fictional productions produced for these two channels, which are constantly advancing along with technology, from the early times when both cinema and television entered the life of the modern world people. Vampires have been one of the most iconic images that have been identified with the horror genre of both oral, written, and audio-visual arts for centuries. Although there is a very large literary field about vampires, Bram Stoker's famous novel Dracula, written in 1896, is perhaps the most adapted novel for cinema and television. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that Dracula constitutes largely the characteristic of vampire narrative. In this study, the place of Dracula in the vampire myth is mentioned; examples based on Dracula, which constitute the characteristics of many adaptations about vampire myth in cinema and television are given; the relationship between fear, monster and victim is evaluated in relation to “otherness”. In this theoretical frame, Turkish vampire serial Yaşamayanlar, released in September 2018-October 2018 as eight episodes, is examined in the meaning of transformation of vampire narrative based on Dracula.
Vampir, Uyarlama, Sinema, Dizi Film, Vampire, Adaptation, Cinema, Serial, Dracula