Publication: Türkiye'de loft yaşam alanlarında mahremiyet olgusu
Mustafaoğlu, Çisem
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Ana Bilim Dalı / İç Mimarlık Bilim Dalı
Loft yaşam, 1950'lerde Amerika ve Avrupa'nın birçok şehrinde, savaş, ekonomik faktörler, nüfus değişimleri ve soylulaştırma gibi birçok sebeple endüstri yapılarının üretim işlevinden farklılaşmasıyla oluşmaya başlamıştır. Loft yaşam, hem barınma hem çalışma eylemlerini bir arada sunan ve genellikle sanatçılar tarafından tercih edilen mekanlar olarak bilinmektedir. Endüstri yapılarının sanayisizleşme sonrası, yüksek tavanlı ve geniş açıklıklı dökme demirden olan fiziksel hacimlerinin, sanatçı, akademisyenler tarafından değerlendirilmesi ve bulundukları çevreyi toplumsal, kültürel açıdan etkilemeleriyle loft yaşamın yayılmasına öncülük etmişlerdir. Konut tipolojilerinden, apartman ve toplu konut gibi bilindik plan çözümlemesinden farklı bir mekansal örgütlenmeye sahip olan loft mekanlar, mahremiyet beklenti ve çözümlerinin de farklılaştığı mekanlar olmaktadır. Temel ihtiyaç olan barınmanın giderilmesiyle başka ihtiyaçların doğmasına sebep olmuştur. Mahremiyet, yaşamın birçok noktasında aranmakta, ihtiyaç ve istek halinde birey davranışlarına yansımaktadır. Bireyin bir diğeri ile ne zaman bir arada olmak veya olmamak üzerinde kendine ait olanı belirlemesine olanak tanımaktadır. İnsan doğası, alışkanlık, algı ve deneyimlenmesi ile şekillenen mekanların, mahremiyet beklenti ve düzeyininde etki ettiği bilinmektedir. Bireysel mahremiyetin mekanı biçimlendirdiği görülmektedir. Mekansal örgütlenmede mahremiyeti sağlarken faydalanılan fiziksel faktörlerin haricinde, sözel olan ve olmayan davranış mekanizmalarının, mekanı deneyimleme, mekana dair alışkanlık ve tercihlerin de rol oynadığı görülmektedir. Mahremiyetin, kullanıcı için aranan bir davranış olması, evdeki mekansal yoğunluk üzerinde kontrol sağladığına değinilmiştir. Barınma mekânı olan konutta, mekânsal düzenleme için önemli bir belirleyici olduğuna değinmektedir. Toplumun yaşam kültürünün ortaya koyduğu, yaşam biçimlerinden kaynaklı mahremiyet ile ilgili tutum üzerinden yaşam mekanlarının plan tipolojileri ve mekânsal ilişkileri belirlediği görülmektedir. Konut tiplerindeki mekânsal değişim, kullanıcı yaşam tercihleri etkisiyle biçimlenmektedir. Mahremiyetin, belirlenen kuralların dışında da sağlanabildiği bilinmektedir. Kavram tanımının bireysel olarak değiştiği yorumlanmakta ve beklenilenin mekana yansıtılma şeklinin değiştiği gözlemlenmektedir. Mahremiyet düzeyi hakkında net yargı taşıyan cümlelerden kaçılmıştır. Sebebi ise çalışmanın bu bölümünün tamamen kişisel gözlemlere dayalı olmasıdır. Erişim grafiği ile yapılmak istenen, yaşam alanlarına girildiğinde karşılaşılan tanımlı alanların mekansal dizilimi ile mahremiyet eşiği arasında bağlantı sağlamak ve birimler üzerinden okuma yapmaktır. Konut içerisinde bulunan özel oda ve duvarların mahremiyeti ve istenileni karşılayıp karşılamadığının dışında loft yaşam alanlarına dair İstanbul'dan seçilen Karaköy, Balat, Bomonti, Beyoğlu, Levent semtlerinde bulunan örneklerin incelenmesi ve mahremiyet kavramı ile ilişkilerinin analiz edilmesini gerçekleştirmek amacıyla oluşturulmuştur. Hedef, belirlenen örneklere dair mekansal örgütlenme ve mekanlar arası ilişkinin mahremiyete yansıma şeklinin irdelenmesidir. Belirlenen amaç doğrultusunda erişim grafiği, plan şemaları oluşturulmuş ve analizlerden elde edilen veriler morfolojik tablo oluşturularak görselleştirilmiştir. Tez kapsamında İstanbul'da seçilen örnekler üzerinden değerlendirilme yapılmıştır. Mekanın kullanıcıya göre şekillendiği görülmektedir. Genel kabul olarak, kamusal ve özel alan arasında bulunan sınırın, aynı şekilde eve girildikten sonrada ayrım yaşayan mekanlar üzerinden bazı birimlerin daha özelleştiği görülmüştür. Banyo, yatak odası gibi birimlerin hizmet ettiği eylemler, yaşam alanına göre daha özel olduğu, ancak her kullanımın bireysel olarak değişebilir olduğu görülmüştür. Kamusal ile özelin ayrıldığı, evlerin içlerinde de fazlasıyla bireyselliğin ön planda olduğu görülmektedir. "normal"in değişebildiği, mahremiyet eşiğinin de farklılaşabildiği tanımlanmaktadır.
Loft life started to be formed in many cities of America and Europe in the 1950s with the differentiation of industrial structures from the production function due to many reasons such as war, economic factors, population changes and gentrification. Loft life is known as places that offer both shelter and work activities together and are generally preferred by artists. They pioneered the spread of loft life with the evaluation of the physical volumes of high ceilings and wide-span cast iron by the artists and academicians and their social and cultural effects on the environment in which they are located after deindustrialization of industrial buildings. Loft spaces, which have a spatial organization different from the housing typologies, the familiar plan analysis such as apartment and public housing, are places where privacy expectations and solutions also differ. With the fulfillment of the basic need of accommodation, other needs have arisen. Privacy is sought in many points of life and is reflected in individual behaviors in case of need and request. It allows the individual to determine his own over when to be together with another or not. It is known that spaces shaped by human nature, habits, perception and experience affect the expectation and level of privacy. It seems that individual privacy shapes the space. In spatial organization, apart from the physical factors utilized while ensuring privacy, it is observed that verbal and non-verbal behavioral mechanisms, experience of space, habits and preferences related to space also play a role. It was mentioned that privacy is a desired behavior for the user, providing control over the spatial density in the home. He mentions that it is an important determinant for the spatial arrangement in the residence, which is the place of accommodation. It is seen that the plan typologies and spatial relations of living spaces are determined by the attitude related to privacy arising from life styles, which is revealed by the life culture of the society. Spatial change in residential types is shaped by the life preferences of users. It is known that privacy can be provided outside of the established rules. It is interpreted that the definition of the concept has changed individually and it is observed that the way the expected is reflected in the space has changed. Sentences with clear judgments about the level of privacy were avoided. The reason is that this part of the study is based entirely on personal observations. What is desired to be done with the access graph is to provide a connection between the spatial sequence of defined areas encountered when entering the living spaces and the privacy threshold and to read through the units. In addition to the privacy of the private rooms and walls in the residence and whether they meet the desired or not, it was created in order to examine the examples of the loft living areas in Karaköy, Balat, Bomonti, Beyoğlu, Levent districts and to analyze their relations with the concept of privacy. The aim is to examine the way the spatial organization and the relationship between spaces are reflected on the privacy of the determined examples. Access graphics and plan charts were created in line with the determined purpose, and the data obtained from the analyzes were visualized by creating a morphological table. Within the scope of the thesis, it was evaluated on the samples selected in Istanbul. It is seen that the space is shaped according to the user. As a general acceptance, it has been observed that the boundary between the public and private areas, similarly, after entering the house, some units have become more specialized over the spaces that separate. It has been observed that the actions served by units such as bathrooms and bedrooms are more specific than the living space, but each use may vary individually. It is seen that the public and the private are separated and individuality is at the forefront in the interior of the houses. It is defined that "normal" can change and the privacy threshold can also differ.
Loft life started to be formed in many cities of America and Europe in the 1950s with the differentiation of industrial structures from the production function due to many reasons such as war, economic factors, population changes and gentrification. Loft life is known as places that offer both shelter and work activities together and are generally preferred by artists. They pioneered the spread of loft life with the evaluation of the physical volumes of high ceilings and wide-span cast iron by the artists and academicians and their social and cultural effects on the environment in which they are located after deindustrialization of industrial buildings. Loft spaces, which have a spatial organization different from the housing typologies, the familiar plan analysis such as apartment and public housing, are places where privacy expectations and solutions also differ. With the fulfillment of the basic need of accommodation, other needs have arisen. Privacy is sought in many points of life and is reflected in individual behaviors in case of need and request. It allows the individual to determine his own over when to be together with another or not. It is known that spaces shaped by human nature, habits, perception and experience affect the expectation and level of privacy. It seems that individual privacy shapes the space. In spatial organization, apart from the physical factors utilized while ensuring privacy, it is observed that verbal and non-verbal behavioral mechanisms, experience of space, habits and preferences related to space also play a role. It was mentioned that privacy is a desired behavior for the user, providing control over the spatial density in the home. He mentions that it is an important determinant for the spatial arrangement in the residence, which is the place of accommodation. It is seen that the plan typologies and spatial relations of living spaces are determined by the attitude related to privacy arising from life styles, which is revealed by the life culture of the society. Spatial change in residential types is shaped by the life preferences of users. It is known that privacy can be provided outside of the established rules. It is interpreted that the definition of the concept has changed individually and it is observed that the way the expected is reflected in the space has changed. Sentences with clear judgments about the level of privacy were avoided. The reason is that this part of the study is based entirely on personal observations. What is desired to be done with the access graph is to provide a connection between the spatial sequence of defined areas encountered when entering the living spaces and the privacy threshold and to read through the units. In addition to the privacy of the private rooms and walls in the residence and whether they meet the desired or not, it was created in order to examine the examples of the loft living areas in Karaköy, Balat, Bomonti, Beyoğlu, Levent districts and to analyze their relations with the concept of privacy. The aim is to examine the way the spatial organization and the relationship between spaces are reflected on the privacy of the determined examples. Access graphics and plan charts were created in line with the determined purpose, and the data obtained from the analyzes were visualized by creating a morphological table. Within the scope of the thesis, it was evaluated on the samples selected in Istanbul. It is seen that the space is shaped according to the user. As a general acceptance, it has been observed that the boundary between the public and private areas, similarly, after entering the house, some units have become more specialized over the spaces that separate. It has been observed that the actions served by units such as bathrooms and bedrooms are more specific than the living space, but each use may vary individually. It is seen that the public and the private are separated and individuality is at the forefront in the interior of the houses. It is defined that "normal" can change and the privacy threshold can also differ.