Publication: Sosyal Medya Her An Ve Her Yerde Görünür Olmak
Eraslan - Uludağ, Reyhan
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The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication
Yüzyıllardır, bireyin her an ve her yerde görünür olma isteği portre resim sanatı ile başlayıp fotoğraf
sanatı ile yoğunlaşarak devam etmiştir. Günümüzde ise sosyal medya ile farklılaşıp doruk noktasına
ulaşmaktadır. Sosyal medya resim, fotoğraf, video, film gibi görsel paylaşım ağırlıklı iletişimin
yanında blok, mikroblog, forum, sözlük, sohbet, tanışma odaları gibi metin tabanlı iletişim ortamları
şeklinde de kendini göstermektedir. Eleştirel kuramcılar; G. Deleuze, F. Guattari ve J. Baudrillard’ın
1970-80’lerdeki metinleri günümüzde sosyal medyanın kullanılması ile ilgili önceden yazılmış birer
alt metin niteliğindedir. Özellikle Deleuze ve Guattari, “Kapitalizm ve Şizofreni” adlı iki ciltlik
kitaplarının kurucu unsurlarından ödipalleştirilmiş temsiliyet ve öznellik tanımları ile günümüzde
yeniden tanımlanan kamusallık türlerini öngörmektedirler. Aynı zamanda ikinci cilt “Bin Yayla” da
söz ettikleri yüzsellik olgusu sosyal medya ile ilgili bir bakış sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bireyin
görünür olma isteği portre sanatı ile başlayarak günümüzde sosyal medya aracılığı ile devam etmesi
üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu durum ile G. Deleuze, F. Guattari ve J. Baudrillard’ın 1970-80’lerdeki
metinlerinin örtüştüğü vurgulanarak, görüntü olma isteğinin her geçen gün görüntü kirliliğine yol
açtığı örneklerle anlatılmıştır.
For centuries, the desire of individuals to be visible at any time and any place has started with the art of portrait and continued with the art of photography. This phenomenon has differentiated and reached its climax with the advent of social media today.. Social media shows itself not only with visual intensive communication forms such as picture, photography, video and film but also via text-based communication forms such as blogs, microblogs, online social forums, dictionaries, chat and meeting rooms. The critical theorists G. Deleuze, F. Guattari and J. Baudrillard’s texts in the 1970 and 1980s are accepted as the early-written subtext of social media usage. In particular, Deleuze and Guattari foresee todays redefined publicity types with oedipal representation and subjectivity concepts which are the constituent aspects of their their two-volume books "Capitalism and Schizophrenia". At the same time, the case of ‘yüzsellik’ mentioned in the second volume "A Thousand Plateaus" provides an overview on social media. The present study focuses on the individuals’ desire to be visible starting with the art of portrait and how it continues through social media today. The study also emphasises that this situation overlapped with the G. Deleuze, F. Guattari and J. Baudrillard's texts in the 1970-80s and how the desire of visibility caused visual pollution day by day explained with examples.
For centuries, the desire of individuals to be visible at any time and any place has started with the art of portrait and continued with the art of photography. This phenomenon has differentiated and reached its climax with the advent of social media today.. Social media shows itself not only with visual intensive communication forms such as picture, photography, video and film but also via text-based communication forms such as blogs, microblogs, online social forums, dictionaries, chat and meeting rooms. The critical theorists G. Deleuze, F. Guattari and J. Baudrillard’s texts in the 1970 and 1980s are accepted as the early-written subtext of social media usage. In particular, Deleuze and Guattari foresee todays redefined publicity types with oedipal representation and subjectivity concepts which are the constituent aspects of their their two-volume books "Capitalism and Schizophrenia". At the same time, the case of ‘yüzsellik’ mentioned in the second volume "A Thousand Plateaus" provides an overview on social media. The present study focuses on the individuals’ desire to be visible starting with the art of portrait and how it continues through social media today. The study also emphasises that this situation overlapped with the G. Deleuze, F. Guattari and J. Baudrillard's texts in the 1970-80s and how the desire of visibility caused visual pollution day by day explained with examples.
Görüntü, Portre Sanatı, Facebook, G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, J. Baudrillard, Appearance, Visibility, Portrait Arts