Publication: Bölgesel Liderlik Arayışı ve Suudi Arabistan: Farklılaşan Tehditler ve Yeni Dış Politika
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Suudi Arabistan Arap Baharı da denilen, Kuzey Afrika ve Ortadoğu’da etkili
olan bir dizi isyan dalgasından bu yana daha iddialı bir dış politika izlemektedir.
Yeni ittifaklar kurarak, askeri güç kullanarak, kendi içinde gerçekleştirmeye
çalıştığı siyasi ve sosyal reform denemeleriyle Suudi Arabistan dış politikasını
yeniden biçimlendirmeye ve bölgede liderlik etmeye çalışmaktadır. Bahreyn’deki
ayaklanmaya doğrudan müdahale, Yemen iç savaşına asker göndererek katılma,
Katar’a yönelik abluka denemesi ve İsrail-Filistin sorunu ile arasına mesafe
koyma, silahlanma politikası bu yeni politikanın uygulanmasına bazı örnekler
olarak gösterilebilir. Bu makalede Suudi Arabistan’ın değişmekte olan dış
politikasının gerekçeleri ve bunun bölgeye olası etkileri sistemdeki değişiklikler,
iç siyasi faktörler ve gerçekçi seçim teorisi üzerinden açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Saudi Arabia has been pursuing a more assertive foreign policy since the start of uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East which are widely known as the “Arab Spring.” By forming new alliances, by using force in different conflict zones and by implementing reform in its domestic political and social structure, Saudi Arabia has been reformatting its foreign policy and seeking leadership in the region. Direct intervention in Bahrain’s uprising against the government, sending military troops to Yemen, implementing a blockade on Qatar, distancing itself from the Israeli-Palestinian question, and a new armament program are some examples of this new policy. In this article, the reasons of this change in Saudi foreign policy and its consequences for the region are analysed through regional systemic changes, domestic political factors and the theory of rational choice.
Saudi Arabia has been pursuing a more assertive foreign policy since the start of uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East which are widely known as the “Arab Spring.” By forming new alliances, by using force in different conflict zones and by implementing reform in its domestic political and social structure, Saudi Arabia has been reformatting its foreign policy and seeking leadership in the region. Direct intervention in Bahrain’s uprising against the government, sending military troops to Yemen, implementing a blockade on Qatar, distancing itself from the Israeli-Palestinian question, and a new armament program are some examples of this new policy. In this article, the reasons of this change in Saudi foreign policy and its consequences for the region are analysed through regional systemic changes, domestic political factors and the theory of rational choice.
Suudi Arabistan, Basra Körfezi, Güvenlik, İran, Jeopolitik, Saudi Arabia, Security, Geopolitics, Iran, Arab Spring