Publication: Beni̇m Adım Kırmızı’da İmge Renk İli̇şki̇si̇
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Dr. Abdulhakim TUĞLUK
İnsanlar kendilerini ifade etmek için pek çok yol oluşturmuştur. Resim, müzik ve kelimelerin malzemesi olduğu dil vb. Edebiyat kişinin kendisini ifade ettiği ya da kendisini bulduğu en popüler yollardandır. Geniş kitlelerce benimsenen ifade yönteminin edebiyat olmasındaki başlıca etken edebî metinlerin üstü örtülmüş, süslenmiş bir anlatım ile kurmacalığını yansıtmasıdır. Süslenen, örtülen anlam, kişinin, herkes tarafından farklı anlamlanan bir parçası olur. Bu noktada imgeler, örtülülüğe dolaylılığı sağlamak için devreye girer. İmgelerle okuyucu kendi özüne, bilinç ya da bilinç dışına yönelir. Çok anlamlılığın katlandığı anlar ortaya çıkar. Benim Adım Kırmızı’da da renkler işlenen romanın polisiye, macera, aşk, güzel sanatlar aracılığı ile Doğu Batı karşılaştırması ya da çatışması, arayış, ben ve öteki çatışması üzerinden kimlik sıkıntıları gibi pek çok izleğin yansıması, açılımı olur. Kurguda var olan çatışmalar, imgeler yani renkler aracılığıyla somutlanır. Her rengin kattığı ayrı bir anlamlar dizgisi okuyucuyu şaşırtır. Dikkat edilmedikçe de imgeler örtülmüş bir hazine gibi bulunmayı bekleyecektir.
People have created many ways to express themselves. Art, music and literature which use words and language as its core material are the most popular ways in which a person expresses himself or finds himself. The main reason for the expression method adopted by the masses is the fact that the literary texts reflect their fiction with a covered and embellished expression. The meaning embellished, covered, and becomes a part of the person, which is perceived differently by all. At this point, images come into play in order to ensure the closeness to obscurity. In images, the reader moves out of its essence, consciousness or unconsciousness. Moments in which the meaningfulness endures is revealed. The colour which is also used in Benim Adım Kırmızı, is the reflection of many traces, such as searching, the conflict, the identity distress over the identity and the other conflicts through East, crime, adventure, love, and fine arts. Conflicts that exist in fiction are embodied through images, namely colours. A separate string of meanings that each colour gives is surprising to the reader. Unless they are taken into consideration, images will be waiting to be found as a hidden treasure.
People have created many ways to express themselves. Art, music and literature which use words and language as its core material are the most popular ways in which a person expresses himself or finds himself. The main reason for the expression method adopted by the masses is the fact that the literary texts reflect their fiction with a covered and embellished expression. The meaning embellished, covered, and becomes a part of the person, which is perceived differently by all. At this point, images come into play in order to ensure the closeness to obscurity. In images, the reader moves out of its essence, consciousness or unconsciousness. Moments in which the meaningfulness endures is revealed. The colour which is also used in Benim Adım Kırmızı, is the reflection of many traces, such as searching, the conflict, the identity distress over the identity and the other conflicts through East, crime, adventure, love, and fine arts. Conflicts that exist in fiction are embodied through images, namely colours. A separate string of meanings that each colour gives is surprising to the reader. Unless they are taken into consideration, images will be waiting to be found as a hidden treasure.
Renk, İmge, Roman, Orhan Pamuk, / Color, Image, Novel
YANARAY S, ÇELİK Y (2019). BENİM ADIM KIRMIZI’DA İMGE RENK İLİŞKİSİ. Edebî Eleştiri Dergisi, 3(2), 140 - 157. 10.31465/eeder.575036